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A now 14 year old TJ Wheeler is sat on his bed plucking away at his guitar, quietly singing the words to Dancing in the Dark by Bruce Springsteen
"I get up in the evening and I ain't got much to say I come home in the morning. I go to bed feeling the same way. I ain't nothing but tired. Man I'm just tired and bored with myself. Hey there baby I could use just a little help..."
"TJ" he hears the sound of his name leaving his brothers mouth in a frantic manner, as he bursts through their shared bedroom door.
"TJ you gotta help me!" This causes TJ to shoot up, thinking the worst.
"I need haulage for the arcade. Please you've got to help me!"pleads his desperate brother.
This causes TJ to roll his eyes and lay back down,
"Mike. You've rinsed me dry without asking once may I add to borrow my money!"
Mike huffs and turns on his heal, slamming the door in the process.
TJ continues strumming his guitar
"Can't start a fire can't start a fire without a spark, this guns for hire even if we're just dancing in the dark."
Within seconds he stops again hearing his sister screaming their younger brothers name.
TJ with a sigh sits up and decides to see what the commotion is.
The second he opens his door Mike and Nancy sprint past him heading for the stairs
"Mike get back here!"
TJ follows down the stairs and sees Mike bolting out the front door with Nancy on his tail.
"Hey. No running in the house!"
Ted Wheeler shouts as both siblings are already outside. Karen Wheeler looks to her eldest son and asks "What is going on?"
Shrugging his shoulders TJ replies "Daylight robbery. Pretty common from our dear brother." He goes to the front door and sees Mike halfway down the street on his bike with Nancy shouting "asshole!" after him, TJ also chimes in thinking off all the times Mike has stole from him "Yeah you're a thieving fuckwit Mike Wheeler!"

TJ is walking to soccer practice when he hears a loud engine roar behind him nearly wiping  him out.
"Hey what the fuck Asshole! Watch where you're going!" TJ screams after the car throwing his middle fingers up in the air in the process.
The car comes to a sudden halt and out steps a blonde teenager with a mullet dressed in a leather jacket, with a cigarette hanging out his mouth.
If TJ wasn't so intimidated by the asshole stood in front of him, he'd think he was cool.
"You talking to me?" The older teen asks TJ.
As TJ gets closer he looks around and stares at the boy, trying to show he's not scared of him
"Well I don't see any other cars round here that have just nearly killed me. Do you?"
He sees the older boy fill with anger not expecting a remark back from the younger boy, he goes to say something when the passenger door flies open.
Out steps a redhead with a sun kissed tan and freckles scattered over her face.
"Billy get in the car! Just leave it!"
"Maxine. I suggest you shut up or you'll be walking with this asshat."
"Ooo asshat... I think my 4 year old sister has used that one before."
TJ can see that this has really riled the older boy up but what he doesn't notice is the redhead biting back a smile, she's  impressed as she's never seen anyone talk to Billy that way.
"Get in the car Max!" The redhead who TJ now knows the name of looks hesitant
"I said get in the car!" TJ notices the shift in atmosphere before the teen turns towards his car "I'm guessing you go to Hawkins high?"
TJ doesn't respond
"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be seeing you around!" Billy gets back into his car and speeds off.
"Absolutely wonderful!"
TJ shouts out loud, knowing that he's going to have a year of hell with the teen named Billy.

TJ is sat in the back of Steve Harringtons car while Steve and his sister are talking about their relationship and future plans.
"That's my que to leave." TJ gets out the car and heads over to the bike rack where Riley and Cassie are stood.
"You had enough of seeing your sister making out with Steve in front of you?" Riley asks.
TJ gives him a look, while Riley sheepishly grins at him.
"I mean I can't blame her! Look at him."
Both Riley and TJ turn to Cassie in shock, Riley then audibly gasps "HIM! He's punching above his league with Nance she's beautiful!"
TJ groans and gives Riley a pointed look and a punch to the arm.
"If you're both done. Especially making comments about my sister..."
Before TJ can finish his sentence he hears the sound of the engine that nearly ran him over yesterday, everyone stops and stares as the Chevrolet Camaro pulls up.
While everyone is focused on the driver and the car, TJ's eyes follow the flow of red hair skating down the hill.

"Mini Wheeler! Halloween bash bring some friends!" A girl batters her eyelashes at him while giving him the invitation. Before he can even respond Riley snatches the invitation out of his hands "Oh shit! We've been invited to our first high school party!"
Cassie rolls her eyes at the boy and drags him away to their next lesson.
TJ's walking down the hall to his class when he sees his sister talking to Johnathan, in a flash Steve is there in sunglasses for some reason grabbing his sister and kissing her.
"Hey Harrington! That's my sisters face you're chewing off!" TJ shouts, while Steve flips him off still kissing Nancy.
He sees Johnathan leave looking very uncomfortable trying to avoid eye contact with TJ. However, TJ catches his eye and pretends to gag, getting a small smile from the older teen.

TJ is about to leave to head over to the Holland's residence, when he hears his brother being scolded by his mum and dad. Not wanting to miss out on the show, heads over to the dinner table.
"Oh, and you didn't cuss out Mr. Kowalski last week either, right?" He hears his Dad say.
"Or plagiarize that essay? Or graffiti the bathroom stall?" His mum adds on. TJ places his hands on the back of Holly's chair, she looks up to him with a sweet smile which he returns.
"Everyone graffitis the bathroom stall."
Mike scoffs out.
"He has a point." TJ adds on but his mum dismisses him, while his dad gives him a you're not helping look.
"So if your friend jumps off a cliff, you're gonna jump, too?" Karen then takes a deep breath "We know you've had a hard year, Michael. But we've been patient."
Ted Wheeler decides to give Mike the tough love approach "This isn't strike one. This isn't even strike three. It's strike 20. You're on the bench, son."
He takes a breath before adding
"And if it'd been my coach, you'd be lucky to still be on the team."
TJ decides his input is needed
"Yeah if I'd done any of that coach Tresscott would've personally gave me a lecture on the rules of school and why they're important. Added in with a kick straight up my..."
Mike quickly interrupts before TJ can finish "This is bullshit! You've done way worse then me TJ."
His mum and dad turn to look at TJ who is already half way out the door.
"Two boxes. Two." Is the last thing he hears his Mother say before he shuts the door.

Riley, Cassie and TJ are sat in Riley's room,
"So are we going to address the elephant in the room?" Cassie asks.
TJ gasps and turns to her with an offended look "That's no way to talk about me Cassie!"
Cassie swats the back of TJ's head, while Riley laughs.
"I don't know what to say guys, mum and dad...they're hiring a private investigator to look for Barb. So they're selling the house. They say he's worth it." Riley's pauses before continuing,
"His names Murray Bauman. He's like some investigative journalist or something. He's already got leads."
TJ hangs his head and fidgets with his fingers listening to the enthusiasm in his best friends voice. He shoots his head back up when he hears the doorbell ring.
Moments later he hears the voice of his sister and... Steve?

"Why is my sister and Steve here ?" TJ asks.
"They come every so often to have dinner with Mum and Dad. I think they all find it a way of holding on for hope together."
Riley pauses before giving his two best friends a sad smile "I miss her. I really miss her. My parents they haven't told me much but I know how hard they're finding it."
Riley waits for a second "I'm trying to be strong cause I know.  I just know He's going to find my sister." Cassie pulls Riley into a hug.
TJ can't think, he can't process any of this, his breathing feels quicker, his chest is heavy and his leg won't stop bouncing.
He stands abruptly "I, I just need to use the bathroom."
TJ runs into the bathroom and splashes water onto his face. He can't face Riley while knowing the truth, he needs to get out of this house.
As he opens the bathroom door his sister is about to open it looking very upset.
"Nance?" She looks at her brother who's now nearly taller then her.
"TJ I, I just need a minute." He steps out the way and lets her into the bathroom.
While stood in the hallway waiting for his sister he sees a picture of Barb and Riley as young kids.
TJ stands and stares before his feet start moving, suddenly he's out of the Holland's front door running home.

Can't Get Use to Losing You- Max Mayfield Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt