interrogation #12: grace Yvonne

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Sara Cross her arms underneath D-cup breasts and having staring down at grace Yvonne sitting in middle of the log behind team star poison grunt living quarters and being accompanied by gwen and Damien holding pens, notepad, and sketch pad.

Sara: "so Ms. Yvonne, you trying to keep your daughter from by police in three months."

Grace: "yes, because she killed people in kalos region that she know and totally obsessed with ash Ketchum. I wish she due something instead she thinking of him all the time while he's at alola region."

Sara: "then what happened on Friday midnight."

Grace: "I'm at the kitchen to stubbed a cigarette on sink and was about to exit kitchen toward living room heading upstairs to check on her lately until I heard something drop on the floor."

Sara: "really then what happened."

Grace: "I turned around to look down see kitchen rolling pin on the floor so I walk back to kitchen to pick it up and place on counter, then I turned around to see half man and half cyborg hybrid standing in front of him."

She look back at Damien begin nodded her head on cue for him start drawing as look face forward at grace, "describe him." Grace replied, "he got average height with tousled auburn hair, right eye because he got mech part in the left with red visoreye got wires and green jade. He wearing gray sleeve shirt, camo pants, and sneakers. He got cybernetic shoulder with razor sharp claws as his right arm." Then Atticus step in to answer grace question, "you was about strike him with a rolling pin in your hand but he got you first, right." Grace nodded her head to answer Atticus question and Sara said to her with stern, "everything goes blink after that."

Grace: "yeah. But I'm failed as a mother for Serena. And I wish that mental illness of her goes away."

Gwen: "don't worry Marleylan doctor name bart burns make a cure with the help of Dr. Fate turned Serena into a normal girl."

Atticus: "that's right and don't worry we'll find ash Ketchum somewhere with his kidnapper, ravess."

Grace smile: "thank you so much for doing that, Atticus."

Atticus: "no problem after all, me, Sara, gwen, and Damien are section 44 detectives and spy."

Damien: "for mean time, I send this drawing to captain arlelt at section 17 during afternoon at captain sentry universe."

Atticus: "good plan Damien."

Eri: "not bad."

Owl house universe 2

Hexside school of magic and demoniac: empty classroom with Luz noceda staring at outside got arms behind her back and talking with two section 23 armored agents, "is Mr. Kuro stay at canterlot city in thirteen days from japony, right." One of them replied, "yes ma'am, she take him back to section 17 again see rookie agents doing odm training at training ground with heads of section, dictator clavell, captain eldian, principal celestia, vice principal Artemis, 18 yrs old original version of yourself, and lord Kakashi." She looked back at them with stern expression, "really I want to see him in person over there. Does two coven already set up aquatic robotics training Dummies in ocean for them." Both of them nodded their heads to answer Luz noceda and said, "good."

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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