gigiantamax slaking debut

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Naruto universe 1 at 1:15 pm

Somewhere in the forest far from leaf village there lazy pokemon, slaking relaxing behind tree for a moment until tiny gigiantamax energy orb rose up from the grass straight slaking to went through right rib cause gigiantamax aura inside of him and eyes open to reveal red eyes with white pupils.

On top of leaf village wall with two shinobi leaf ninjas just talking each other for a moment, they stop to hear powerful cry, "SSSSSSLLLLAAAAAKIIIIINNNNGGG!" They turn left in fear to see gigiantamax slaking from 20 yards feet away heading to leaf village.

Leaf shinobi ninja #1: "crap! Not another one gigiantamax pokemon

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Leaf shinobi ninja #1: "crap! Not another one gigiantamax pokemon."

Leaf shinobi ninja #2: "yeah."

On top of hokage mansion roof with Lord Kakashi, shizune, tonton, and two Anbu Black ops in fear see gigiantamax dark purple sky.

Shizune: "boy, I really hate gigiantamax pokemon right now."

Tonton: "oink, oink."

Shizune: "what we going to do Lord Kakashi."

Lord Kakashi: "I might not send several Anbu Black ops over there because they will get killed."

An suddenly magical orange portal show  behind them in 7 feet when they turn around to see begins open up to reveal section 17 Northwest corridor with blitzgururumon, Phoenixkazemon, geeta, happy Hogan, riza mustang, sandy shocks, and dendra come out from the portal to the roof that surprise geeta and dendra see gigiantamax dark purple sky for first time.

Lord Kakashi: "just in time, guys."

Riza look at blitzgururumon with a smile, "it's showtime cadet pad" She nodded her head as both of them flying in the sky straight towards gigiantamax slaking for a battle when Lord Kakashi walk up to them and said, "you two from paldea region, correct."

Geeta: "yes Lord Kakashi. We're friends with captain sentry and help them around at section 17 sometimes."

Dendra: "yeah. Including the heads of section too."

Lord Kakashi: "good."

Both of them arrived and stop to see gigiantamax slaking stomping through the forest toward leaf village and Phoenixkazemon look at blitzgururumon with a smile, "ready kiddo." Blitzgururumon replied, "I'm ready Ms. Shimmer." They flying separate each other on both sides of gigiantamax slaking when Phoenixkazemon begins with 1st attack, "ember bullet seed!" Her attack straight toward gigiantamax pokemon quick with a hit  cause medium critical damage then blitzgururumon is next to deliver with 1st attack, "Gigi missile plasma strike!" She fire plasma like gigi missile from it's body chest plate straight toward everywhere on gigiantamax slaking body with a strike cause slaking scream in pain.

Leaf shinobi ninja #21: "hahaha, take that you gigiantamax bastard."

Leaf shinobi ninja #12: "don't mess with us."

Phoenixkazemon: "hand of Phoenix!"

Hand of Phoenix straight toward to gigiantamax slaking face with a powerful strike cause heavy critical damge when gigiantamax beam shoot up on top of his head in the sky make slaking goes shrink that surprise everyone from leaf village to see sky went back to normal.

Dendra little bit pumped, "yes, way to go you two to show gigiantamax punk a lesson don't mess with this universe." Lord Kakashi look at geeta and said, "I'm sending 23 Anbu Black ops at mesagoza city for protection from Hengemen if they show up." Geeta replied, "of course and thank you lord Kakashi."

Lord Kakashi: "you're welcome."

[New chapter is out for today]

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