jacq field trip begin

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Uva academy at 10:15 am

Jacq and his homeroom students gathered around in entrance hall going to a field trip to section 17 from flash sentry universe, one of them students is 16 yrs old girl name sora lee who look at nemona with surprise look on her face, "what section 17 look like, nemona?" She replied, "it's surprise when enter section 17, okay." She nodded her head to agree with nemona until magical red oak door appear in front of them at 5 feet away and Mr. Jacq approach the door to grab handle begin pull back really wide to reveal section 17 main lobby but instead reveal clamp tower main lobby it filled with gremlins enjoying when Brain gremlin show up and said, "does everyone here." Gremlins begin to cheer really loud and staried singing.

Several gremlins: "🎶 da da da da. "

Brain gremlin: "🎵 stop spending the news, I'm leaving today, I want part of it, new York, new York."

Jacq: "uh-oh!"

Zeke: "oops."

Nemona approach the open entrance to grab the handle to notice two gremlins who staring at her with evil and confused expression in a second when she give them middle finger and closed the door make everyone calm of relief after that when nemona knocked the door twice and pulled the door really wide to reveal section 17 main lobby at 9:30 am in flash sentry universe as they enter through the door to section 17 in a second and flutter mane push the door back then disappeared after that.

Section 17 main lobby

The students surprise to see section 17 for first time ever and zeke said to them, "welcome to section 17." They spotted rainbow blit walk up to them with a smile and said, "greeting guys I'm rainbow blitz and this is my buddy, pancham. I will be your tour guide of section 17." Then suddenly male water bird ducklett walk pass by rainbow blitz toward the same girl who's talking with nemona earlier at entrance hall begin looking up at her to give out friendly cry, "ducklett."

Rainbow: "ducklett, don't bother the students and teacher from uva academy, please."

Pancham: "pancham."

Sora smile: "I don't mind at all, Mr. Blitz. I think this little guy want me as my pokemon like galarian slowpoke, heracross, murkrow, pupitar, spiritomb , and diglett."

Ducklett: "ducklett."

She pulled out pokeball send ducklett inside of it begins lock it without struggling and place it on pokebelt left attachment and rainbow said, "our 1st tour is training ground, shall we."

[New chapter is out for today]

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