ambush in tagtree thicket

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Cascarrafa city at 1:55 pm with Sasha and the group just explore the city as girl time.

Sasha wearing lavender crop to expose the whole midriff and belly button, demin shorts, short white socks inside of her regular shoes, and hair into short ponytail. Gabi wearing lime green regular shirt, blue shorts, short white socks inside of pink shoes with mangoish green laces, and her hair goes out. She got fletching on right shoulder.

Gabi: "wow this city look beautiful I ever saw, am I right right, ms. Braus."

Sasha: "you said it kiddo."

Yamper: "yamper, yamp."

Fletching: "fletching!"

Gabi: "you said it you two."

They stop to see cascarrafa city gym leader named kofu walk toward them and stop with a smile on his face, "hello there, welcome to cascarrafa city and let me introduced myself, I'm kofu the gym leader of cascarrafa city." Sasha replied with kindness, "I'm Sasha braus, this is yamper."

Yamper: "yamper."

Gabi: "I'm Gabi Braun."

Fletching: "fletching!'

Kofu smile: " Your visitors from your universe and friends with legendary heroes of universes, aren't ya.

Gabi: "yes sir, we are."

Kofu: "wonderful to hear that and enjoy explore the city whatever you like and there's salon Reancer at left side of city."

Gabi/Sasha: "A SALON REANCER!?!"

Kofu give a chuckle with huge sweat drop on his forehead and said to them with kindness, "that's right." Both of Gabi and Sasha look at each other with wide eyes and huge grin on their faces.

Sasha: "I'm doing nails done."

Gabi: "I'm getting short hair like ms. Ackerman from back home."

Sasha: "good idea kiddo."

Then Sasha noticed something quick and look at kofu with confused expression on her face, "does salon Reancer employees let pokemon inside their store." Kofu replied, "sure do my dear."

Gabi: "alright, do you agree, fletching."

Fletching: "fletching, fletch."

Sasha: "thank you kofu."

Kofu: "anytime my dear."

They walk pass kufa at right side toward salon Reancer in left side of the city, when he walk away with a happiness expression on his face.

Tagtree thicket, north province at 2:00 pm

Dinky, denki, Gasser, and Xander wander in mystics force green ranger form just wondering around for dinky capture another new paldean pokemon for a moment until Gasser noticed and said, "hey guys, should we worried about getting close to team star Nava squad base.

Denki: "you're right man and let's go left side of tagtree thicket instead."

Dinky: "you're right denki."

Then all of sudden 15 Hengemen and parrot top come out from teleportation beam appeared in front of them at 8 feet away.

Parrot top: "hello there fools."

Denki: "it's Hengemen is back again and they got a friend with them."

Xander look at dinky and said, "go capture another paldean pokemon in left side of tagtree thicket, leave those punks to us." She agree with him and turned around begin trotting really fast toward left side of tagtree thicket make parrot top begin to laugh for a second and said, "you three against 16 of us."

"Guess again!"

Three of them turned of surprise to see RJ in wolf ranger form and captain eldian riding on aracaine really fast until he stop in front of them at 4 feet for RJ and captain eldian get off to join the group while aracaine goes right side of tagtree thicket to join several pokemon to watch the fight.

Captain eldian throw his shield at three Hengemen at once and being destroyed, then his shield back come to him so can bash at another Hengemen hard, that's surprised denki who took out two Hengemen with his lighting from tip of finger, "nice attack cap."

Captain eldian: "thanks soldier."

Gasser: "June!"

He fire two fart bombs at once at another Hengemen make spidops, pawmo, and dugtrio a chuckle, when both of Xander and RJ roll a bit and stop very close to team star Navi squad base entrance who being watched by atticaus, leader of team star Navi squad

He fire two fart bombs at once at another Hengemen make spidops, pawmo, and dugtrio a chuckle, when both of Xander and RJ roll a bit and stop very close to team star Navi squad base entrance who being watched by atticaus, leader of team star Navi ...

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Atticaus: "(thought) those two need some help with that creature."

Parrot top fighting against RJ and Xander with mystic force fighters for a moment until he sliced RJ with one of sliver blad on stomach with sparks coming out with lighty damage make him went other side for Xander deliver parrot top with mystic force fighters in the stomach make him slide bit and stop until atticaus take a leap above parrot top to deliver a kick in the face and landing perfectly behind them who shocked expression on their faces inside their helmets, when he look back at them, "I guess you guys need some help."

RJ: "of course."

Parrot top: "I make you pay for that."

Xander: "whatever bird brain!"

They begin fighting him at once when RJ deliver kick on parrot top with purple aura on tip of boot cause critical medium damage including atticaus barrage of kick and then Xander deliver with final blow with axe goes critical damage begin backing up with yellow lighting everywhere cause falling back to the ground begin medium explosion with three of them turned around for victory pose.

Then suddenly captain eldian and the rest toward Xander and RJ when power down for a moment they noticed Nava squad leader with them, captain eldian walk up to him and said with forgiveness, "thanks for the help and sorry very close to your base, sir." Atticaus give a chuckle and said to them with kindness and surprise, "that's alright my.....wait a minute, you guys are legendary heroes of universes, correct." Captain eldian replied back to him, "that's right soldier."

Atticaus polite: "I'm sorry, I didn't you guys recognize earlier ago and you're with dinky doo right.'

Denki: "You know it sir. Anyway let go meet her at left side of tagtree thicket shall we."

RJ: "sure. And thank you for helping us against parrot top and again sorry very close to your base."

Atticaus: "no worries at all, my friends and safe travel."

Gasser: "we will sir."

They bid farewell to assticaus, the leader of Navi squad went other side of tagtree thicket along with aracaine got pawniard and goomy on his back when assticaus turned around begin walking back toward the entrance with two grunt who's waiting for him.

[New chapter is out for today]

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