video chat with parents

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Uva academy at 7:30 pm

Zeke dorm room with Zeke sitting at edge in right side of bed while still wearing his uniform except for cap, he placed on his desk and got fuecoco sitting left next to him who begin pulled out his rotom phone to went contact list and find his father phone numbernumber, then pressed video chat logo and begin contact with his father in a second and screen pop out with his parents sitting in the couch who became happy to see his son.

Grisha: "hey there champ."

Dina: "hey honey, how's your first day of academy."

Zeke: "great, the teachers and students are really nice, I made first friend this morning, it's nemona."

Dina: "wonderful honey, don't worry you will get another friends tomorrow in their ages 8 or 17 yrs old, we don't mind at all."

Zeke: "they're very excited when I show them drilbur and mienshoa at the schoolyard because they're never seen them before in paldea region."

Grisha smile: "it's right thing to do that, son. Did one of students face you in pokemon double battle."

Zeke: "yup, it's Rosa Paige, she's in academy with me and she's from aflornada in south provanice. She's 8 yrs old than me. She got a crush on me since I arrived at academy because I'm cute.

Dina eyes went wide and huge grin on her face to hear about Rosa Parks got a crush on her son, she said to him with surprise, "congratulations honey, you got your father handsome side." Grisha smile proudly and said, "that's true, I got it from my father too. Anyway son, who watched tag battle in the schoolyard."

Zeke: "it's captain sentry, his former boss, captain black, Jackie chan, mighty thor 2.0, Nick Fury, Serena Ketchum."

Dina: "that's good."

Zeke: "rosa, nemona, and dictator want to see section 17 in real so me and the rest take them over to look around bit."

Grisha: "is right thing to do that, son."

Zeke: "they got their 1st rare pokemon in section 17 too and I'm going on a treasure hunt with them on begin 4th of September."

Dina and grisha: "that's wonderful Zeke."

Zeke: "yup, well I'm gonna go off and I was talking with you two that's all."

Grisha: "of course son. It's very nice to talk with you, then."

Dina: "study hard."

Zeke: "I will mom."

He give them friendly wave them a second and hang up after that, he smile to chat with his parents for first time in uva academy and heard a knock on his dorm room door by someone inside his dorm. He getting up on his bed toward the door and open it backward really wide to reveal arven without his backpack got little happiness expression, "you remember me, right."

Zeke: "from the lighthouse."

Arven: "yup. Can we talk in a minute inside your dorm room."

Zeke: "sure."

He let arven in inside his dorm for him closed the door behind it and toward him at small kitchen side.

Arven: "listen the whole school talking about you and student Council president took out those 12 hengemen at uva academy front gate that scare two team star kids away from the city and like sorta celebrities. I'm proud of that, listen you've gotta help me out so I can finally make my dream to reality!"

Zeke smile: "I'm happy to help you."

Arven sly grin, "I like your style, Zeke but fact is, I'm all about that picnic life: the great outdoors, the perfectly prepared sandwiches, all of it. Not half bad cooking either, I can tell you. Right now I'm searching new recipes that'll help Pokemon feel better. Real health, see. I found that book the other day, and it had a section about these herba mystica things. Basically, they're some kind of special herbs that help up any pokemon as soon as it's eat them. Now, there are a total of five different types of herba mystica, based on what I read."

Zeke: "really."

Arven: "that's right. Just taking a little licking of them once they've been powered will get your blood flowing, provide nutrients, prevent aging-it'll even boost the immune system."

Zeke: "neat arven."

Arven worried: "these herbs seem like they're the real deal only found here in paldea and rare to boot. But the book says they're all guarded by titan pokemon."

Zeke: "like regular titans back that I was from."

Arven: "humanoid creatures ate humans from outside of the walls that your uncle live inside Wall called Maria."

Zeke: "yup."

Arven: "cool, but anyways, it's gonna be pretty tough to try to grab even a few sprigs. Titans are--well, I think they've gotta be.....things like this. We should team up to battle titan pokemon before getting those herbs and I'll already registered the places where it seems there might be titans in your map app for you."

Zeke: "thanks arven, you and me are friends."

Arven: "you know it little dude, let do it on begin of treasure hunt on Wednesday September 4th."

Zeke: "great."

Arven: "there any kind friends of yours from section 17 place that will help us out to battle one of titans Pokemon once at time like three."

Zeke sly grin: "I will tell captain sentry about it when he wake up from his universe."

Arven: "great."

At director office

Director at his desk along raifort just standing right at next to him who starting at small holographic of flash sentry coming from r2-x2 projector.

Captain sentry: "you go with them at hearthome city from pokemon universe 2 on Wednesday at 1:20 pm, Jedi master raifort."

Raifort: "of course captain, I learn the force from Jedi master shaak ti since 2 years ago in this universe."

Captain sentry: "excellent, for mean time, on Friday at 9:30 am from my universe you let mr. Jacq take his homeroom class over there my section 17 as their first field trip."

Clavell smile: "brilliant idea sir, the kids will have a blast to see section 17 for first time besides mister Yeager know them actually."

Captain sentry: "that's right and I tell rainbow blitz about to be their tour guide."

Clavell: "delighteful, sir."

[New chapter is out for today]

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