《93》My Life

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One and a half year Later 

I threw my head back and laughed. 

We were in the camp, sitting around the campfire and watching Lian chase Namjoon around the fire, yelling at him to stop and receive the punishment he deserved for loosing the bet. 

It had been utterly ridiculous again. 

Lian bet Namjoon couldn't possibly remember every scene from friends and name the title and episode.
So Lian had found various clips.
Namjoon had only smirked and named every one right. 

Right up until the last one.
He had frowned at the scene Lian had shown him while the woman smirked and patiently waited for his answers until Namjoon growled and said he didn't know. 

He was ready to take the punishment, which was to dunk his head into ice water for half a minute. Jin had immediately sprinted to the house in glee and brought back a pack of ice cubes. 

And then Namjoon found out Lian cheated.
And then this!

I was holding my stomach as Namjoon fumed. 

"You cannot expect me to know a deleted scene!"

"It's a scene from the show friends. We never specified whether it had to be aired!" Lian defended and ran the other way, trying to catch Namjoon who immediately turned and ran the other way. 

"The term deleted literally means erased, so of course it doesn't count!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!" 

"A true fan would have known those scenes too," Lian huffed and bluffed turning but ran the same way, nearly catching Namjoon's arm. 

"It still doesn't change our bet! And you're gonna get that massive, thick head of yours in that water right now!"

Namjoon stopped, the two of them right across each other with the fire as a barrier. 

"Gotta catch me first, little raven."  

He loved to call her that. 
It was cute, especially since we all knew she was the most powerful woman in the city.
Lian did something very mature then and stuck out her tongue, then turned left. 

In the end, Namjoon gave up with a laugh and surrendered and we had a blast watching him dunking his head into freezing water.

We settled back around then, the music blasting from one of Yoongi's speakers as we all drank and sang along, smoking and dancing, engaging in both bantering and joking, teasing and just enjoying each others company. 

We needed this.
Days like these were rare these days, but we always made time for it besides our busy schedules.
Turned out running the Underground was a lot more work than you expected.
But, well ... I didn't want to sound too self-praising, but we did a pretty good job.

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