《53》Roles Reversed

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We had gone as a family.
All eight of us.

Namjoon reminded us again and again, that none of us should leave by themselves.
That we shouldn't split up, since Suho was just waiting for a chance to attack us while we were separated.

Jin drove and despite the threat of being outside our gates- freedom.

To sit in the back of the open trunk, the wind in our hair, radio turned up to the max as we sped through the streets.
It almost felt like old times, and yet a few things were different.

For example Jimin in my lap.

And obviously Lian in Tae's.

Jin kept making jokes from the drivers seat about how he hated love, making gagging sounds whenever I pulled Jimin closer or Tae leaned down to kiss Lian.

What was weird though, were Hoseok and Yoongi.

Normally, the two of them would share the same space in the back, but today, Yoongi had opted to sit with Jin on the passenger seat and Hoseok glanced his way too many times for it to be normal.

His smile also did not reach his eyes.

It struck me suddenly and without warning.

They had been weird for a while.
When was the last time I had seen them talking for longer than ten minutes these past three days?
Even at the night we celebrated being back together- I had noticed Yoongi watching Hoseok, but they hadn't spoken for long.

Only the essentials.

How could I have not noticed?

Usually it was Hoseok who managed to make Yoongi talk the most.

The two of them had a sort of balance that just made sense.

Yoongi calmed Hoseok's too lively spirit down, so he wouldn't burn himself out, and in return, Hoseok encouraged Yoongi to smile more, talk more too.

It suddenly seemed to stare me right in the face.
Did something happen?
Did they have a fight?

After all, for two months, it was almost only the two of them at the camp.

Yoongi had to hide since he wasn't even supposed to be in Seoul, and Hoseok, as sad as it may sound, needed to have someone to look out for him in case he was haunted by one of his episodes.

As far as I heard, it had only happened once and Yoongi was able to help- to prevent things from escalating.

Maybe I should ask Tae.
He would know.
He was the one who joined them later after faking his death.

But now seemed the wrong time.

We reached our destination way too quick and not quick enough.

It was such a weird mixture of feeling happy and free to be outside together, and like walking over a frozen lake in spring, wondering after which step the ice would break and engulf us in icy, burning water.

I could tell that I wasn't the only one who looked over his shoulder every few minutes.
But nothing happened.
No one showed.

Lian made her statement with two police officers while we waited just outside the door.
She was let go only ten minutes later and told us the police had all the evidence they needed and the trial of Kwang-Sun Cheol would be held the end of next week.

They didn't give Lian much hope of winning.
Told her her father would most likely spent a long time in prison.

Lian walked out of the police station with a big, fat, winning grin on her face.
She played the oblivious, innocent daughter to perfection.

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