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Sometimes, you just need short and sweet.

"Ouh! Dammit, Jin, can't you be a bit more gentle?"

Jin snorted and continued rubbing the disinfectant cream onto my split lip.

"Stop whining you big cry baby. If you can fight like that, you have to live with the consequences."

I rolled my eyes but kept still while Jin continued to treat my mangled face.
He was kind of the paramedic in our group.

I didn't particular liked the reason why though.
That Jin knew how to patch someone up, because he had been forced to do it on himself many times after some of his fathers 'punishments'.

I had seen the badly done stitches on his own body, the scars which could have been nearly invisible if treated right.

I cleared my throat, shaking the image of a young Jin, performing first aid on himself from my mind.

"Did it look cool though?" I asked instead.

Jin snorted again, but his smile was quickly replaced by a thin line.
He glanced up at me, stopping his treatment for a second.

"You want the real answer?"

I swallowed hard, then nodded.
The truth, even if it wasn't pleasant.

"You scared me a little there. You and Namjoon both.
You looked ready to fucking kill each other.
I have never seen you loose it like that.
But I also never expected Namjoon to be so... brutal.
I mean, yes, we all had our guesses about his skills, but what we saw today...
He's still keeping so many secrets from us."

"He's only trying to protect us."

"And who is protecting him? He's always been stubborn like that.
Even after I told him a million times that he can share some burdens."

He let loose a long sigh, before a little twitch of his lips and the flicker of light in his eyes caught me a little of guard.

"You're changing him though. I don't know why it's you, but he trusts you."

"He trusts you too Jin."

"I know. I know. But you can get through to him like no one else.
No one but Hwasa, perhaps.
I'm glad he told us what happened between him and Suho today.
Even if it was a shock- it makes a bit more sense.
I just hope he would know that we would be the last people to judge him for his past."

He didn't say anything else, finishing applying the cream on my face and then told me I was good to go and that I should get Namjoon next.
As always, our leader had put himself last.
Had demanded I go first.

I nodded, not sure what else I could say to him.
I walked out of the trailer that served as our kitchen and then came to a stop.

There, leaning outside, was Namjoon, not so discreetly holding his ribs, his breathing uneven.
I was so confused about what to feel, that I just stood there for a moment.

Namjoon sighed and looked my way, like he had known I was there, and couldn't find the right words either.

"I'm sorry."

It was the first thing that came to my mind.

Namjoon looked at me for another, long moment, and then chuckled, immediately wincing and holding his ribs a little tighter, but shaking his head at the same time.

"And why the hell would you apologize to me? I literally dragged you into the fighting ring, remember?"

I chuckled too, still tasting the tangy residue of guilt, but relieved that he wasn't angry.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now