《89》The Past That Made Us Strong

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Jungkook POV 

My heart was pounding as I crossed the threshold into the building. 
From the outside, it was the same it had always been. 

Crumbling walls, fainting façade and cracks running along the brick walls.
Nothing but another run down apartment building in the heart of Yongsan-gu.
So ordinary looking.
So... unimportant. 

No one would ever suspect what this place now represented.
But the inside- even I had to stare and gape.
I hadn't been back here since I left Hwasa's place after I lived here with her.
But it was unrecognizable. 

Lian had truly thrown herself into work...
And spent a considerable amount of Hoseok's money to hire dozens of people to help with reshaping this place. 

Even Lian, no matter how much she loved Hwasa, had come to realize that a den of clothes and piles of fabric would not make the impression she wanted to make with the other gangs.
Yet it wasn't just the rooftop flat of Hwasa's she had decided to take over. 

In the two weeks, she had made sure all inhabitants of this place found a more comfortable place to live.
All seven stories of this building now belonged to the new headquarters of BTS, with the main and eight floor being the meeting area. 

Like the number of our members. 

All the rooms and apartments on the lower level were still standing empty, but I caught glimpses of Lian's plan for them.
We all had thrown in our ideas to make this place a true meeting place for the dammed and wicked. 

A lot would have to be done.
From breaking down walls and opening the spaces, rearranging the space to turn it into a building that was fit for large gatherings. 

We planned all. 

The first floor would be a grand entryway to receive guests, open and spacey- to intimidate too as was important to hold power. 

Two floors for parties would follow, interconnected and to all hearts content.
Even Heechul would be impressed. 

A floor for chilling out and finding peace on top of that. 

A floor for finding quiet areas to do... well the things we all rather keep behind closed doors one above, followed by a floor for people planning to stay over, with comfortable living quarters, where Hoseok had promised to spare no expenses to make it feel like staying in a five star hotel.

The seventh floor would be ours. 

All of us would get their respectable rooms to stay in and do whatever we wanted with them with one main hall to be turned into living quarters where we would also welcome guests that we considered friends.

What no one would know and we would keep it like that, was the lower level. 

The basement, currently stacked with leftovers from the former inhabitants.
Off limits to everyone else and known to only the inner circle. 

It was where we would create a second version of the Black Swan- with as much security as we have there.
No one got in there if we didn't want them too, Yoongi had sworn with a wicked grin to his face. 

And then there was the last floor. 

The penthouse.
The one Lian had proclaimed as the new centre of all power. 

Not a thrown room, but every bit as powerful in meaning.
A meeting room for gatherings.
For official meeting between the gangs, for setting rules and making sure they were kept. 

Only people selected by us would be allowed in there.
An alliance.
That's what we were building. 

Not a rule by force and brutality.
An alliance with all the gangs who were willing to follow the rules we set.
We would do things differently.
We would listen to the gangs and take their considerations and wishes into account.
Would have discussions and regular check ups, listen to criticism and suggestions.

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