《10》Something to Lose

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I didn't dare to go meet Jimin on the rooftop that day, even if I wanted to explain everything to him.
Not after what happened.

Instead, I went home with a broody, absolutely silent D.O., a fuming Kai and utterly enraged Sehun.

It hadn't even taken until the end of the school day for the word to spread.
By now, the entire school knew about Jimin being BTS.
About how he single handily humiliated Sehun and Kai.

I still hadn't expected Suho to already know.

But before we had taken three full steps into the cemetery where the others were waiting for us, something flew at Sehun out of the blue.

The first punch echoed off the high walls, blood spraying from the boys nose before he looked up in shock at no other than Suho.

Never, not once, no matter what anyone had done, had I ever seen Suho so enraged, his face red with anger, his teeth barred into a snarl as he lifted the bleeding Sehun to his feet by his collar and screamed at him.

"What the fuck did I tell you, hmm? What the fuck did I say?? I said to not fucking touch him!"

He gave Sehun no time to reply, punched him again which send the boy to the floor as he coughed up blood.
But unlike with Jimin, he did not rise again.
Cowered on the floor and stayed there.
He didn't even try to shield his body when Suho kicked him hard in the stomach.

"Suho.. it's not-"

A snarl ripped out of his throat and Suho swirled, using the motion to swing his arm and hit Kai in the face with a smacking sound, the boy grunting in pain, his lip bleeding.

"You don't get to fucking talk Kai!" he spat and brought up his knee, right into Kai's unprotected stomach.
He fell too with a suppressed but unavoidable grunt.

And then he turned to me, nostrils flaring, eyes glazed over with rage.

I prepared myself.
There was no hope to reason with him, I knew that.
Even though I hadn't done anything, he kicked my feet away from under me, causing my knees to hit the hard floor with a painful thud before he grabbed for my hair and yanked hard to force my head up, tears shooting unbiddenly into my eyes from he pain.

"I told you to make sure Jimin left of his own will after you crushed his. And instead you made me laughing stock in all of Seoul! Do you have any idea why you guys have done? You tainted our reputation! Made us look like fucking children who can't control their fucking emotions!"

He hit me then.
Not in the face, where I had clenched my jaw and expected the pain, but with a knee jerk into my stomach.
I felt the crack echo all the way to my skull.

The air ripped out of my lungs and for a second, there was only shock before I sucked in a deep breath which caused the pain to explode.

I wanted to curl into myself and just endure the pain, but Suho was still gripping my hair tightly, forcing me to keep kneeling.

"You ruined everything! If we try to bully Jimin out of school now, we'll look like children throwing a fucking pamper tantrum. I gave you one job! Only one, and that was to not get physical and you couldn't control your fucking emotions!"

He let me go, but I barely fell on all fours before Suho brought his foot back and kicked me hard into the side of my hips, sending me flying and landing on my back.

I stayed there, just trying to breath around the pain.
But breathing itself hurt the most.
He must have cracked my ribs with that knee to my stomach.
Not broken, I think, but it made no difference.
Every slight expansion of my chest resulted in a sharp, blinding pain.

But I could still hear Suho raging on, yelling and kicking Sehun again while the boy was still on the floor.
He kept telling us how we failed him.
How we were an embarrassment to X-EXO.

But as I lay there, writhing in pain with the person whose attention and respect I had always sought with the utmost passion...
I found myself fighting a grin.

Jimin had, with a few words and barely touching them, managed to cause such strong chaos.

Whom I had idolized and seen as this almost inhuman god... outwitted by a single, young boy. Perhaps with Namjoon's instructions, but still his actions that led to Suho's rage.
It really shouldn't make me laugh.
It shouldn't make me happy at all.

This was all so fucked up.
And it was Jimin's fault again.
That I found myself here, in pain and the cold floor under me, and yet, stupidly and confusingly, I felt relieved.
Utterly relieved this hadn't ended up with Jimin on the ground instead.
Had ended with Jimin swaggering out of school with an easy smile.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें