《26》Rule Nr.1: Do Not Anger Her

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Only later, when we sat down for lunch did I find out the reason for Tae's emotional explosion earlier.

Apparently, while Jimin and I were getting shit-faced at the same time but not together, Tae and Lian's evening hadn't turned out that great either.

I sat there with a full mouth, forgetting to chew when Hoseok told me they had been waiting for Tae all night because he never came back after dropping Lian off.
And when they had asked what he'd been up to, he admitted how he had lost control.

I almost snorted.

Wow, that really was some party yesterday, everyone loosing fucking control.
But where my loss had ended in a wild make out session with Jimin which just wouldn't leave my fucking brain, in Taehyung's case it meant he had shown Lian some of the terrible, soul-crushing pain and grief he carried around inside him.

He explained that Lian had flinched away from him- like she'd been afraid.
Again- pretty close to my own night of earth shattering, glorious, absolutely catastrophic chain of events.

That's why Tae had asked to give her some space and time, also explaining why we weren't going to school on Monday.
I hated the idea.
Lian was one of the few people who could distract me these days.
Could make me forget about all the fucked up things that haunted me.
And especially now when I needed her...

I'd have to find another way.
And Namjoon-

I really couldn't tell nor sometimes belief how he always had the perfect solution to every problem.

In the afternoon, he came to us with another job- a smaller one, easily done in one or two days to distract us, get us on other thoughts.

He gave us a purpose when we struggled, gave us hope for things to get better when we doubted it.
And even though Jimin still didn't talk to me once, the smaller ignoring me completely which hurt to no end, I could loose myself in this new case.

A business owner of a company producing medication, who sold illegally on the black market, raising his profit. He paid his worker shit money, treated them like slaves, hit them and mistreated them while he lived his life in riches and luxury in his penthouse apartment.

Not to mentioned the long digit number of his embezzlements.

Tae, Jimin and I headed for that apartment Sunday night after Yoongi had hacked the central security system of the building and Hoseok lured him out of a house with an invitation of a fancy party of his father's car gallery in Gangam-Gu.
Jin drove us in a non-flashy black SUV and wished us good luck before we headed inside.

We followed Namjoon's lead who spoke to us through our barely visible ear-buds.

And despite Tae's worry over Lian and mine and Jimin's current situation, we worked as a team like we always did.
In perfect union.

I took out the single security guy at the front desk with a sedative pressed against his mouth and Jimin sneaked ahead, giving us the go when no one was in our way before Tae picked the lock to the door, giving us entry to the penthouse apartment.

We made quick work, gathering all the evidence we could find and it was almost too easy.
All we really had to do was find the guys computer, insert the USB stick Yoongi gave us and he did the rest from the base where he was no doubt typing like crazy on the four screens in front of him.
It didn't take him more than five minutes before Namjoon's voice told us through the headset: "We got it. You can come home guys. Nicely done. The guy will have a nasty visit with the police tomorrow morning."

We grinned at each other, and for a moment, nothing had changed.
We were still the same.
Still a team and no emotions messing up our lives.
The three doers: strong, reckless and graceful.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ