《55》When the Brave Break

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"I am so sorry Jimin

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"I am so sorry Jimin. I wished to never have to tell you any of this."

"Of what?"

Namjoon's face consorted in a pained grimace, but he came a step forward, hands open like was trying to sooth him.

I had a bad feeling about this.
A very, fucking bad feeling.

"This won't be easy to hear. And you might hate me for keeping the truth from you for so long. But please believe me. I only did it to protect you.
I only wanted you to be free of your past as best as possible.
I had no idea this would happen."

"W-hat would happen? What are you talking about Namjoon?"

His voice was too high pitched.
Too frail.
Like his subconscious knew something he tried to hold down, in fear of breaking him.

I stepped forward too, to place my hands on his shoulders for support, but he shook me off.
His eyes only on Namjoon, glassy and wide.

"Tell me what?" he yelled, his voice echoing off the bunker wall.

"Your sister is alive."

Four words.
Only four words which changed so, so much.

I had wished for this earlier.
Send a stupid prayer up to heaven for this to be true.
And yet- I read it off of Namjoon's face as he wore his emotions openly.

This was not going to be a story of siblings reunited.
This wouldn't be the magical, miracle rise of a dead, beloved sister.


He didn't believe it.

I could tell by his shocked words and the expression on his face.

He snapped for air like he was having trouble remembering how to breath.

"How can you say that! You are many things, Namjoon, but not cruel.
Don't- don't fucking say that. I know she is dead. I saw her die!"

Namjoon still looked pained, but he only calmly asked:
"Did you?"


"Or did you only see the building explode?"

"She fucking went in there! I saw that! She was inside when that bomb exploded.
I saw it... I fucking stood there! I still have the scar of the pressure wave that hit me.
She couldn't have survived that.
It's impossible! It's impossible... She-"

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