《68》'NO' Is Not An Option

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I sat on top of the wall of stacked cars, a winter jacket tightly pulled around me while my already numbing fingers rolled the little metal object in my hand.

Apparently the long and hot summer was going to be followed by an even harsher, ice-cold winter.

It was not yet October and yet the wind was freezing, the sun barely strong enough to warm the earth anymore.

I looked down at the camp.
My home.
Our save haven.

We were all back.
All reunited again.
But it was a little bitter sweet reunion.

It felt right for us all to be home again, all together.
And yet things were changed.

But first: the biggest relieve of all:
Yoongi woken up.

After Tae dropped the news we had to go to the hospital right now, our hearts had stopped, while Yoongi's started beating again before we even made it there.

He had been so close- so close to dying, the doctors told us, and yet it was at that very moment, some hope was given back to us.
And then not only seeing Yoongi awake, but in Hoseok's arms... we had teased them for sure, but I knew that every single one of us couldn't have been more relieved about the two of them finally finding some happiness.

It was a change that we had to get used to though.

It had just taken us as such a surprise to even find out they felt more for each other in the first place.
Thankfully, those two were not half as bad as the rest of us.
There was no wild making out session in the open spaces of the camp or heated kisses in front of us.

It was subtle but it was there.

None of us had suspected anything- well, safe for Namjoon of course.
But the rest of us had to adapt to these new changes a little- and they were there.

Like the softness in Yoongi's eyes whenever he looked at Hoseok.
The way he would blush whenever the younger gifted him a quick kiss on the cheeks, held his hand or pulled him into his lab.
And the smile the boy returned, even brighter than anything before.
The way Hoseok called him cute and adorable which the older always grumpily denied, then tried to hide the little smile that found itself onto his face.

It was sweet.
It was gentle.
It was so them.

They deserved it.
The both of them.

It made it all the harder to see Tae and Lian.
They hadn't made up.
Apparently, they were on a break and it was rough on them both.

Tae had poured his heart out to me the other day, admitting that he didn't know how to mend what he had broken when he betrayed her trust.
Thought her weak and vulnerable.
Saw it necessary to take away her choice by knocking her out cold.

It was all the harder to understand Lian's side as well.
How she was trying to forgive him for it, but couldn't find out how.

She was smart and knew that Tae had given Namjoon permission to sedate her.
I myself had a hard time with it, even as it turned out well in the end.
That perhaps the only reason Namjoon was alive, was because he had drugged her and locked her up- or tried to.

It was only further proof of the strength she wielded.
The iron will and determination.
And she really, really had a thing against being held against her will.

But even after pondering over it for hours, I had come to no solution how to help them.
This, they had to solve between themselves.
I only hoped it would happen soon.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang