《58》Teacher and Student

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Get ready for some blurry lines

The crowd parted at the top, and out of the massive entryway of the old temple, three boys descended.

My blood froze in my veins and I felt Jimin squeeze my hand.

But he didn't understand.
It was no longer fear that made me shake.
It was rage.
It was deep, overpowering anger as I watched Chen descend the stairs, the source of the slow clapping trailed by D.O. to his right and Xiumin to his left, their expressions dark and piercing while the boy in the middle smiled warm and kind.

"What a speech, Namjoon. Oh, pardon, RM. You truly have your way with words. And that whole entry! Impressive indeed. It's been a long time, old friend."

Namjoon didn't even blink an eye.
Like he had hoped none of X-EXO were present, but still expected it.

Yet in his eyes, I saw something flicker.
But I couldn't discern it, not when he locked down on his true hard and fast and nothing showed anymore.

"Chen. Long time indeed. What a surprise to see X-EXO at a party such as this."

"Ah. Yes. We felt like mingling a little. But I would say you showing up is the greater surprise.
And finally you had the bravery to tell everyone your little secret.
Took you a long time.
Perhaps it was you who was afraid of a war, knowing you couldn't win?"

"Funny. Seeing as Suho is not showing his face himself.
Sending only his loyal dogs again.
Someone might think he is afraid?
Wouldn't blame him after what happened the last time he tried to fight me."

"Oh please, Namjoon," Chen chided with a soft, fatherly tone, shaking his head slowly.

"There's no need for such cruel words. We can act like civilized people, can we not?
After all, I was the first of your little projects, wasn't I?"

My mask broke.
Broke at those words and I heard gasps from not only the crowed, but from our own row as well.

Yet Namjoon kept his neutral face.
Went even a step further and gifted the man on top of the steps a smile.

"It hurts me to hear you call yourself one of my projects, Jongdae.
Remember that it was me who helped you stand up to your father?"

Chen showed no signs those words, did anything to him, only continued to smile kindly while I gaped.
I thought Chen was his real name.
I had not even heard it mention that he used to go by another.

"Yes. You did. You were also the one who taught me how to break him.
How to break a man's will and leave them an empty shell of who they used to be.
I should thank you again, for making me the person I am today.
Teaching me.
Shame, really, that we have to stand on different sides here.
I always admired you.
Aspired to be like you.
It still pains me to know what your brother's suicide and your father's death did to you.
I know you have never fully recovered from it."

I tensed.
I knew what he was doing.
Hitting the heart.
Attacking the deep, buried emotions in order to break someone.

I had seen him do it countless time.
The thought that it was no other than Namjoon who taught him...

But as I looked at him- looked at our leader, I didn't doubt it.
Not when Namjoon lowered his head and chuckled.

No sign that Chen's words hurt him.
Showing no hint that he was broken or still grieving after his brother even though I knew he was.

And when he raised his head and looked back at the person who was trying to break him, I took the tiniest step back.

There was nothing in his eyes.
Like he had switched off his emotions completely with only a thought.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now