《36》My Back Hurts in Order to Let Wings Sprout

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It had worked.
It had actually fucking worked!

Lian was an absolutely brilliant, little devil.

Not only had she managed to get Taehyung an invitation at her house, but she sold it so perfectly that it was almost easy for Tae.

All he had to do, was go for lunch at the Cheol's, posing as the handsome, young, very marriageable, very rich medical intern then excuse himself for the bathroom for a few minutes.

Yoongi had taken care of the rest, offering one of his genius inventions.
In all honesty, I hadn't understood all of it, only that the phone charger he had handed Taehyung was an exact replica of the one Kwang-Sun used and would allow us to hack his precious, well protected phone the moment he plugged it in.

Tae had executed Namjoon's plan to perfection, while also making Mrs. Cheol fall absolutely in love with the idea of her sweet Lian marrying this absolutely perfect young gentlemen.
And a doctor at that!

I could only shake my head thinking about how hilarious it all was.
The bad boy with the tattoos, piercings, member of a gang and then a couple hundred of other nasty things no one knew about managing to make himself sell as a perfect match for sweet, good-girl Lian Cheol.

It would have all been absolutely perfect.
If only Kwang-Sun wouldn't have been such a narcissistic, overly distrustful and paranoid bastard!

Yoongi had gone right to work the moment Kwang-Sun charged his phone.
It had taken him but ten minutes to hack it, only for us to find- nothing.

Or at least that's what it had seemed at first.
No pictures, no documents-not even encrypted one's.

Only one thing.
A contact that stood put amongst all the others.
And that's when it got interesting.

"Park Seo-Joon? Are you sure?"

I couldn't help but ask again.
We had all assembled in the Black Swan, sitting around Yoongi's desk while he checked the phone's data again.
He turned to us with another, certain nod.

"Yes. The number is Seo-Joons. But he goes by Baek Min-Sou now, working for JYP in the background, avoiding public appearances and I honestly can't tell what he is actually doing for them.
Nothing legal, that's for sure.
The call history on the phone clearly shows that he's been in constant contact with Kwang-Sun for the last couple of years, reaching as far back as 2015 when he was first convicted and Kwang-Sun managed to let him go free.
No doubt in my mind that he was also the one who helped him go under."

A moment of utter silence followed, all of us in deep thought until Jin asked:
"But why? Why would Kwang-Sun help him so much in the first place? You really think he planned all this from the very beginning?"

All our heads instinctively turned to Namjoon, sitting at the far right.
His eyebrows were drawn together, an unreadable expression on his face.

"No," he said after a short while, shaking his head and we all saw the tenseness in his expression. Something was bugging him.

"There's another reason. One we haven't discovered yet.
But there must be something he has over Seo-Joon.
Something that assures him that he will never betray him.
Kwang-Sun is first and foremost a paranoid person.
If he used Seo-Joon to hide the evidence, which is a very possible scenario, then there has to be a reason he trusts him, and only him.
It's also possible he uses him as a shield.
If shit blows up, he can just throw Seo-Joon under the bus. So either Seo-Joon is too naïve to see that or he's willing to risk it.
Either way, I guess we should look into him once more.
There must be something we have overlooked."

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat