《4》The Cemetary

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"Yo, bunny! Get me the booze from the fridge!" Sehun hollered over the busting music.
I ground my teeth but stood from where I had been drinking my vodka bull.

I hated it when Sehun ordered me around, but as Suho had explained, I needed to work my way up the ranks and couldn't expect to be above the others in only two years.
But Sehun really loved to push his boundaries with me.

But if a bit of being ordered around meant to be a part of something- to belong somewhere, I'd gladly do it.
Soon I would be stronger- gain more power.
Suho would teach me- make me strong like them.

We were in our compound down by the docks.
An old warehouse with high ceilings, the concrete walls artfully covered in graffiti.

I had my own room here- my own bed to sleep in and people I could talk to when I felt lonely.
It was worth getting the others some stuff once in a while.
I had to remind myself again what the alternative would be, back out on the streets, alone, hungry and cold, especially since winter was drawing closer with every passing day.

I couldn't let anything stand in my way of getting what I wanted.

Unbiddenly, the image of certain white haired boy came to my mind.

Jimin, for all his great talk and acting unfazed, had not talked to me again.
In the weeks since his first day at school and the talk on the rooftop, he had not once turned to talk to me, or annoyed me with stupid questions about myself and I had made sure to stay clear of that roof as well.

I meant what I had said: I wanted nothing to do with him.
His little act of defiance had already led me to have a very unpleasant conversation with Suho- one I had walked away from with a swollen eye and bruised ribs.

To make me stronger.
To drive that stupid weakness out of me.

And yet I failed not to notice Jimin's eyes watching me- those disturbing eyes that followed my movements and his ears, no doubt, hanging to every word I spoke.
I felt his presence next to me in the classroom like a burning bonfire, singeing me with its heat, even if he still sat at the very corner where D.O. had exiled him to.

But as long as he left me the hell alone... I shouldn't really care about that.
So what if he watched me or listened in?
He was a nobody.
I was a member of X-EXO!

I pushed past the crowd of people and headed towards the massive open kitchen and shoved the thought of the annoying boy from my mind.

Although it was old and pretty grubby, the kitchen was spacey enough to hold all the things we needed to throw parties such as these.
It was not just a party though, I reminded myself as I pushed a drunk girl out of my way to get to the fridge.

Suho had invited a lot of his investors and long-year buyers as well and the drugs were flowing freely, getting passed from one person to the next, often through kisses and tongues meeting in wild abandonment.
It was more of a lucrative business meeting really.

I had gotten used to the debauchery and found it a rather nice distraction, a new girl on my lap almost everyday.
They threw themselves at the members of X-EXO in hopes of some scrabs of power and in those moments, I actually felt like I had some.

And perhaps the girl who had been making her way towards me with painted, red lips and a mean hip-swing was one of the reasons Sehun had made me get him a drink.
He just loved to ruin my fun.

Slowly, taking my time, I took the bottle labelled with Sehun's name and made my way back, at least three girls eying me hungrily from the sides.
I looked back and tried to take my pick, only to feel that annoying sense of... disinterest again. They were all pretty no doubt, and yet...

I caught sight of another girl watching me and paled.

She was undoubtedly pretty with a petite body, a wicked slim figure and long, black hair which sparkled in the dim light.
Her dark red painted lips tugged up into smile when she met my eyes.
In her eyes, nothing but cunning and cruelty waited.
Which was so ironic since her name was Joy.
Suho's younger sister.

There was little love between the two of them.
They were siblings only in blood.
As far as I had found out, they barely saw each other growing up.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now