《71》The Life I Could Have Had

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Ahmm, I'll just leave you with him.

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My legs felt like rubber as I exited the shower, my muscles aching and sore.

I had been training like crazy these past two weeks since the party.
Pushed my body to exhaustion over and over again, often times under Namjoon's watchful eye and commands.

He made true on the promise that he wouldn't fight me again, but it seemed that even though I beat him, he was even stricter with my training.
And I often found myself cursing Namjoon's name to all seven hells as he pushed me to the edge of what my body could take even as I was glad for his persistence.

I wanted to be ready.
If only I had been stronger that day in the cemetery I could have avoided so many things.
Yoongi getting shot, Jimin killing Kia... but it was of no use to blame myself for that.

I learned.
Learned to know that some things in life were out of our control.
That there was no going back, only forward.
Didn't mean I would not make damn sure I was better prepared the next time.

My hair was still dripping when Lian came limping my way.
Her face was a mask of pain, bruises covering her pale skin and a glimmering layer of sweat covering her from head to toe, but she walked with her chin held high.
I knew her well enough to know exactly in what kind of mood she was, yet my exhausted body made it impossible to run before she caught sight of me.
Her eyes locked onto me and turned into slits.

I groaned.
Here we go...

"Tell you're boyfriend that I will spend every single moment of my dreams and waking hours coming up with all the ways to pay him back for every single teasing comment out of his nasty mouth!"

I tried not to.
I really, really tried not to smile.

She growled, hit my chest and I winced.
Damn... for a girl so small, she had considerable strength.

"Don't you fucking laugh in my face!"

"Sorry, sorry," I chuckled out, unable to follow her command.

"But remember that it was your idea. I recall warning you before you asked Jimin to teach you how to fight."

"And that's what he should do.
Teach me how to fight, not gloat over my ass hitting the ground every few seconds.
He's enjoying this and I know it!"

"Nah, nah. Where's the girl who said I should watch my back because she'll beat my ass soon?"

"She's right here and getting a shower where I'll conjure up every single teasing fucking comment when I finally put both your gay asses on the floor!"

I fainted panic.

"Oh no! Whatever will I do!"

She snarled and pushed me and I just loved her nostrils flaring in annoyance.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now