《24》Loosing Control

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I'm not gonna say anything....

But this is my current expression...

My original plan was to get fucking wasted

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

My original plan was to get fucking wasted.

But the moment I reached the bar, ordered the strongest mix they offered, I held the cup in my hands for several minutes.
And all I could think about were Jimin's words that night when I got shitfaced because of Wonho.

And I couldn't do it.
Not when he had begged me so desperately never to do so again.

So I put the cup on the counter and left it there as I made my way to the dance floor.
However, coming there from the bar meant entering the main hall on a raised plateau, which also meant I had a full view over the raving masses.

I usually loved this.

Even after the things with X-EXO, I still loved loosing myself to the music, dancing until my feet hurt and my body was sweaty and exhausted.
And that was exactly my plan now- to distract myself.
Let myself get carried away by other people's ecstasy.

But the moment I looked over the dancing people, my eyes caught sight of something golden.

I stopped and gaped.
There was nothing else I could do.
Jimin dancing- it wasn't something I would ever get used to.
The way he moved his body, swung and rolled his hips.... the way his eyes were half closed loosing himself to the rhythm, his hair up in a bun because he was hot.... the way he smirked at the people around him who were gobbling at him too, some brave enough to dance closer.

And Jimin had no problem with that, moving from body to body, touching, rubbing, laughing in ecstasy.
He was so god-damn beautiful when he was happy like that.
And although I shouldn't- knowing it only made it all the harder, I stayed up here a long while, watching him dance and have a good time.

But then my eyes drifted over to another laughing, glowing person dancing wildly and a smile on her face that challenged sunlight.

Lian was, as so often, an absolute talent in all things wicked as she teased and played with the people around her, driving some of the men insane, while dancing close to her, Taehyung moved too, but his eyes always carefully observed anyone getting too close.
And when someone did- well, he was fast enough so Lian, trapped in her euphoria didn't notice how he not so politely send them running.

I felt my feet move before I realized it, down to join her side.
She was like a siren, calling to us all as I identified all of my brothers dancing close around her. Like she was our center, the magnet we were drawn to.

It was so easy to loose myself to the music and for about half an hour, we just danced close to Lian, sweat dripping off my body but a smile back on my face.

Jin was the first to dance a little closer to Lian, like he needed her presence the most, and then Lian, grinning wickedly, did not hold back with the touching, throwing her head back and laughing as she danced closely with the oldest.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang