《76》 Pain in My Ass

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"Well, finally!" Someone shouted the moment Jimin and I exited from the little tunnel into the camp.

It was way past midday, the weather fresh, but the sun still managing to heat up the ground.

I found Hoseok seated under the canopy, waving at us, his boyfriend's legs over his lap while the tiny boy slept on the sofa.

Hearing Hoseok shout, Yoongi snapped open his eyes and turned his head to where we were approaching.
When he saw us, his eyes disappeared and his gummy smile made a show.

"Huh, and it looks like Jimin really got it good, ey?"

I groaned.
We weren't even close enough for them to really see how "good" Jimin got it last night.

Yoongi was merely commenting the fact that Jimin's walk was lacking his usual elegance.
It was about to be one of those moments when I wanted to bury myself six feet underground in embarrassment, because there were two very intrigued women sharing another sofa who suddenly turned to us with glittering eyes.

Lian's black hair was turned into a beautiful arrange of braids with woven in threads of blood-red, no doubt Hwasa's masterpiece.
Lian's lips shot up into a wide wicked smile.

"Mhh," she purred lowly.
"I bet Jimin fucking loved every second of it."

"Oh, I certainly did," the boy responded with the same voice.
I growled in warning.

"Ha," Hwasa laughed, looking amused too, nudging Lian with her elbow.
"Looks like an Angel, but a nasty devil beneath, just how we love em, right melon-cake?"

"Yeah, well," Jimin only answered with a shoulder shrug, and then, of course, didn't heed my warning the least bit.

"If I'm a devil, what is Jungkook?"

And then he casually took off his cardigan.
He only wore a black short-sleeved shirt beneath.

"Holy fucking shit!" someone exclaimed and I looked to the left to meet Jin.
He stood there with a bowl of cereal in his hands, having just come out of the kitchen.

His jaw hang opened, the spoon with cereal stopping mid-air to his mouth, milk dropping to the floor.

His eyes were huge as he scanned Jimin.
And I?
I flushed a bright pink and lowered my head.

"Holy fuck, what?" Someone else asked and I groaned as two more figures found their way under the canopy.
Jimin turned to Tae and Namjoon.

Both boys stopped and stared, their eyes huge as they observed Jimin.
I didn't have to look at my fiancé to know what they were staring at.

There were distinguishable red marks around his neck and wrists, combined with a big fat bruise on his lower neck, the skin having turned an arrange of yellow, blue and green where I bit him.
But Jimin only met their shock with a wide smile, hands on his hips and smugness radiating off him while I was wondering where the ground was softest so I could bury myself real, real deep.

I grit my teeth.
I would make Jimin dig the fucking hole since he seemed to enjoy this way too much.

"Holy mother of Jesus, Jungkook!" Hoseok shot out, disbelieve clouding his voice.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Yeah," Tae added, then whistled lowly.
"Damn, if I didn't know you were with Jungkook, I'd says you were kidnapped and tortured."

"Well, I was definitely bound and forced to scream and-"

"Shut up, Jimin!"

"See! He can be a real nasty son of a bitch!"

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now