《2》 When Fates Collide

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Two Years Later

"YO! Bunny, catch!"

I twisted, barely in time to catch the thing flying towards my head.
Even when I used to be skinny and weak, my reflexes had always been one of my best traits.
My only trait, really.
But even though I was far from the haggard, skinny boy Suho found under that bridge, having packed on some muscles over the last year, I was still nowhere near where I wanted to be.

I opened my hands to find a little plastic back in the palm of my hand, a single blue pill inside.
I turned to Sehun who had thrown it.
He winked my way and said:
"Something to get ya through the school day. I couldn't bare the thought of letting our maknae endure this entirely useless day of school in boredom now, can I?"

I chuckled and nodded, throwing him a thanks before glancing down at the pill in my hand. Amphetamine, no doubt.
To say it helped against boredom was a fine understatement.
Last time I'd been on it, which had only been a week ago, I had stormed out in the middle of the class, ignoring the teachers demand for me to sit back down and then headed right for the schools sports area and ran about ten rounds on the track field at high speed before collapsing and then staring at the sky.

It had held all the colors of the rainbow and the clouds had formed into people locked in battle. Until they descended from the sky and turned on me.
I had screamed, I think, but no one had heard.
No one had come, my old fear crashing over me once again until I passed out.

I'd been woken up by a kick to the ribs by D.O, who only told me to hurry back home cause the others were sick of waiting for me.

Yeah... definitely not boring.
I made myself grin and turn to Sehun again.

"I'll take it later I think. When we can have some real fun."

The boy shot me an annoyed look and tsked under his breath but said no more.

Sehun, out of all the members, hated it the most when I denied his requests, even when he cleverly posed them as suggestions.
Perhaps because he was the second youngest after me and loved to prove his dominance over me at ever occasion.
It wasn't that long ago when he was the maknae of this group.

Yet I couldn't help myself from wanting to, for once, be able to order someone around.

Next in ranks came Kai, currently entirely enticed in a game on his phone, legs popped up on the desk and chewing his gum loudly.
The classroom was loud and a mess since the teacher was running late, the students throwing stuff around, laughing loudly as they messed around.
Kai glanced up from his his game when noticed my stare and only shot me one of his annoyed glances and went back to gaming.

That was until a girl in our class, all tall and lean limps with golden-blond hair found her way to his seat and dropped into his lap.

She wasn't his girlfriends by any means.
Kai didn't do girlfriends.
Only hot, wild nights with no strings attached.

And yet the girls lined up to be with him.
Boys too for that matter and Kai was no less inclined to take their offers.
He knew he was handsome and he let everybody know it.

Once again, he gave a shit about the schools dress code, his white shirt artfully sprayed with paint- his own art as he liked to call it, his tie hanging crocked and a cap over his dark green hair. The old kind that would make everyone else look like a grandpa, yet he pulled it off like some Rockstar.
His shirt was also, as so often, unbuttoned down to his stomach to reveal a lot of that toned body beneath.
And I wasn't exaggerating when I said Kai liked to show off his body any chance he got.

He hated imperfection, so it was also safe to say he didn't hold me in particularly high regards. Tolerated me perhaps only because Suho said so.

He put his phone face down on the table and gifted the beautiful blond all his attention.
Well... especially his hands were the attentive once, raking along the girls naked legs, up to her skirt where they disappeared beneath.
I glanced away quickly.
Another thing I knew, was that that boy had no shame and no boundaries.

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang