《70》Making Alleys

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We found our members still emerged in the middle of the raving crowed.

Jin was dancing closely with a pretty, stunning blond who seemed to be utterly in thrall with the handsome, tall boy.
And Jin seemed to mind not one bit, letting his hands roam over her body freely.

Hoseok was dancing around Yoongi with almost comedic dance moves and it seemed as though Yoongi had given up on hiding the smile.
Done hiding the fact that he was amused and in love, his smile wide and absolutely stunning.
He really was adorably cute when he smiled.

Lian and Tae- yeah, they were just short of having sex in front of everyone, the two intertwined in a heated, wild kiss, the boy pushing all her soft parts again his hard one's.
I shook my head with a chuckle.
They really had no shame.

Then I found Namjoon and Hwasa.
Hwasa, who had no doubt worked her charm on Namjoon, because the boy looked utterly lost as his girlfriend moved her body to the music and shot him heated glances, letting him know that she was planning to be a very, very naughty girl tonight.

But as though sensing us despite the haze that hat befallen him, he found me and Jimin re-joining them.

The heat left his eyes, growing dark and set.
He gave me the slightest nod.
I took a deep breath, then responded with a nod of my own.

Jimin, who had seen, turned to us with the same set expression.
It was time.
One by one, we signalled the same to the others, making sure it was so subtle, no one in the crowed would see the change.

We knew they were all here.
Knew that hidden in the revelling crowed, were both our friends and those who followed Suho. We had chosen this party with care.
Had made sure all of us knew our targets.

Jin would go seek out SuperJunior.

They were a well established gang, existing since a few years now and despite the fact that they weren't as active as they had been a few years ago, they held much power.
Jin and their leader, Leeteuk had been friends for years and met on parties such as theses quite regularly to chat and catch up.

I once overheard them complain and whine about how stressful it was to be the oldest of the group, both boys smiling by the end, revealing how they would still not have it any other way.

SuperJunior had bend to Suho's rule much like the other gangs, but I had hopes that it was simply out of fear like the rest.
Jin would be the one to figure out where they stood.
If they would choose to stand and fight or submit to the rule of fear and terror.

Hwasa was going after KARD.

And boy, even though it was the most obvious choice, Namjoon had not seemed the slightest bit happy about it.
Not when the reason for this choice was that Hwasa had had many 'experiences' with each of the members, consisting of two girls and two boys.

Actually, Hwasa and Somin had been an on and off thing for years.
Nothing emotional as the woman explained- only fun.

And she had said it with a grin that had us all groan.
Apparently loads and loads of fun.

But as Yoongi already stated, KARD had always been neutral, complying to Suho's rule, yet never showing anything more than that.
Kept themselves well out of all his matters.

Hwasa's job was to change that.
To make them see that action needed to be taken to break an empire that was built on pain and ruled with the iron fist of fear.

Hoseok was charged with seeking out NCT.

They were the biggest gang of all of us, consisting of 23 members.
They could literally turn the tide if they sided with us- or at least not with Suho.

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