Chapter 56

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Previously on Chapter 55

"But, anyway... I half expected you'd use the seawater to escape. Oh wait... there are no such thing!" He said, bursting out laughing as he walks away. I frown at what he said. We have to find another way to escape from here. But what can we do now?



Chrome seem to come up with a new idea after hearing what Yo said. He starts to exercise out of nowhere, which makes me tilt my head in confusion. Until I realize what he's doing and quickly joins him.

I turn my head away as Chrome strips his clothes off to wring his sweat into a bamboo cup. He do the same while I only remove the outer layer of my clothes. I don't want to be butt naked and risk anyone walking in on me.

By dawn, we manage to create a whole cup filled with our sweats. I kneel down next to Chrome as he dips the end of each cable into the sweat. I grin happily when it starts to bubble up. We've succeeded!

Chrome stands up and pours the acidic water to the ropes tying the bamboos together. He turns to look at me and grins as the bamboo starts dissolving. He grabs one of the bamboo and breaks it off.

I walk towards the window side. "Wahh!! There's a bear over there!" I screamed out loud, while pointing at a random direction. The guards rush out to look at where I'm pointing. I take that as a chance to run, following Chrome who's a couple of steps ahead of me. He's holding a bamboo.

We start to maneuver around, avoiding the traps they've set up. I turn around to the guards and smirks when they can only stares at us. I wink and wave my fingers in a playful manners at them. I turn around and run again.

We keep running, trying to lose them. I turn my head to look over my shoulder to see Yo chasing after us. I click my tongue in annoyance. Of course, he wouldn't let us go that easily.

We come to a stop when we reach the edge of a cliff by the waterfall. The same place Nii-Chan hanged Chrome by his hoodie on the first day we got here. I curse under my breath and turn to look at Yo, who eventually caught up with us.

"Give me the bamboo, Chrome..." I said, lifting my hand. He hands the bamboo to me. I lift it up and lunges at Yo. He pulls out the katana from its sheath. "That's mine! I will be taking it back!" I yelled out. But before I could do any damage, Yo cut the bamboo in half. He punches me on my stomach. I cough up a little blood as I fall on my knees. Chrome tries to attack, but easily gets overpowered by him.

"Now... are you going to go back to your cell on your own, or do I have to drag you both?" He asked. I just glare at him as I lean onto Chrome, who help me sit up right. Yo clicks his tongue in annoyance. "I guess I'll just have to kill you both..." he said.

Chrome let out a chuckle at what he said. "Go ahead... it doesn't change anything. I don't have much time left. I only try to escape so I can bring my wife to safety. It's already game over for me..." he said. He hunch forward and starts spitting out red substance.

"Chrome!!" I yelled out. I turn my head to look at Yo, who looks terrified. "Are you happy now? My husband only wants to protect me... because he's running out of time and he wants to make sure I'm safe. He's dying... because of Pneumonia" I said, tears starts streaming down my cheeks.

Chrome spits out the red substance towards Yo, who start panicking. Chrome picks up the broken bamboo and hits Yo right in his crotch. Yo's eyes bulge out of their sockets as he falls head first to the ground with his butt in the air. I walk towards Yo and grabs my katana.

"I'll be taking this, thank you..." I said. I turn to Chrome and give him a high-five. "Let's go, Chrome... before he wakes up" I said. He nods his head and we giddily rush off.


We're both walking slowly as we're finally far from the enemy's territory. Chrome have his arm over my shoulder for support because Yo's attack. The pain on my lower abdomen is still hurting quite badly. But I have to be strong. I can worry about resting when we find the others. 

I turn my head forward and notices someone running to us. I move to stand in front of Chrome, only to realize the person is Kohaku. I let out a sigh of relief and smiles at her.

"You made it out!!" She said, throwing her arms around me. I smile and wrap my arms around her. "Thank God you're both okay..." she said, while tightening her arms around me. I wince a little which makes her pull away.

"I'm glad we manage to escape..." I said. I gently grab Chrome's arm, wrapping it around my shoulder again. "Lead the way, Kohaku..." I said. She smiles and nods her head. She turn around and starts walking, with the two of us following behind her.

After a while of walking, we've finally reach the camp. Everyone cheers at the sight of us. Ruri asked how we manage to escape. "Oh.. we just use salt water from our sweat with electricity from the battery. Hydrochloric acid, right?" Chrome said.

"No... that's Hydrochloride acid. There's no salt in our sweats. In the modern day, also known as bleach" Senku said as he walks over to us. Seems like we've came up with the same acid using two different methods.

"Chrome... why are you bleeding?" Ruri asked, noticing the red liquid on the corner of Chrome's lips. I turn to Chrome as he pulls out the same stunt he used against Yo. Everyone panicked as they think he's coughing up blood.

"Just kidding~" he said. Everyone is still clueless. Until Senku lets out a chuckle. They turn their heads to look at him in confusion.

"You used this to fool them?" He said. I close my eyes as I let out a laugh as well. "Dried shiso mixed with herb... it'll turn into red. Which also works as fake blood..." he said.

My vision suddenly starts to turn blurry. The pain on my lower abdomen starts to get worse. I feel my body falling to the side and hits the ground with a loud thud, which attracts the others's attention.

"Y/N! Are you okay??" Chrome yelled out. He scoops me up in his arms, with my head against his chest. "Hey, say something" he said.

I weakly open my eyes to look at him and smiled weakly. "We did it, Chrome... we've escape. And don't worry, I'm fine. I'm just a little... tired" I said, in a weak tone. My eyes roll back as I fall limp in his arms, and my surrounding turns dark.

Chrome's P.O.V

"Y/N? Love... hey!" I said, gently patting her cheeks as she fell unconscious. I turn my head to look at Senku. "She took a pretty hard hit from one of the guard on her lower abdomen" I said.

"Come on... let's take her to the tent. I'll check on her to make sure it's nothing serious..." he said. I just nod my head. I gently scoops Y/N up in my arms as we make our way to one of the tent.

I gently lay Y/N down on the makeshift bed. Senku kneels down next to her and starts inspecting her stomach. I just stay silent as I stare at Y/N worriedly. I hope she's going to be okay.

Please be okay, Y/N...

*to be continued*

Affection Through Time (Chrome X Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora