Chapter 34

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Previously on Chapter 33

"I'm getting goosebumps here" I muttered. I rub my arms, trying to calm my nerve. Gen just let out a chuckle at our reactions. "Damn you, stupid mentalist. You're making us nervous just by mimicking the voice of Tsukasa" I said in a hushed voice. That was so creepy.

-Sweet Treats-


I clear my throat, once I got over the goosebump because of Gen's impersonation. I turn to look at Senku. "What're we going to make first?" I asked. He turns to look at me and grin.

"We'll be making cotton candy machine..." he said. The others looks confused while Gen looks like he's done with life. I wonder what's going on in his head. Knowing him, he would probably thinking how drastically we changed the subject from making a cell phone to a cotton candy machine.

Senku start to tell everyone what to do first. Everyone get around, gathering all the materials we'd be needing for the cotton candy machine. The only problem is, how're we going to get sugar?

Senku of course knows exactly where we'd get them. We head towards the village where there are jars of the wines. He's right about that. There are wines that hardens after getting expose to the heat because of the fire caused by Homura. I didn't know there's a fire. Probably because I was unconscious from the shock after Nii-Chan tried to attack me.

I stop what I was doing as I remember what happened. I still can't believe he would try to hurt me. He even called me weak and useless. He really have changed from the brother I used to know. I don't know him anymore. He's like a total stranger.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Someone said, snapping me out of my daze. I turn my head to see Chrome. He stares at me with a worried gaze. "Why are you crying?" He asked. I lift my hand, placing it on my cheek to feel it wet. I didn't even realize I had started crying.

"Oh..." I said. I quickly wipe the rest of the tears. I turn to look at Chrome as he still stares at me worriedly. "I'm fine" I said.

"Doesn't look fine to me... do you wanna talk about it?" He asked. I just give him a small smile. I shake my head, letting him know that I preferred not to. He just hum and nod his head. He lift his hand, gently patting my shoulder. "Okay, I understand... but if you need someone to talk to, you can come to me, okay?" He said. I smile and nod my head. I'm glad he didn't pester me any further. I let out a sigh and turn my attention to my work.


After a long proses, we have finally manage to create the cotton candy machine. Now all that's left to do is to try it out. Senku pours in the sugar that have been turned into powder.

I grin excitedly as the cotton candy starts to form. Finally, after such a long time. I can get a taste of a sweet treat again. I'm so excited!

Everyone seems amazed as they stare in awe. Suika even commented how the cotton candy looks like the cloud. I couldn't agree more with that. It looks so soft and fluffy, just like the clouds.

Senku hands one to each of us. Everyone are in tears as soon as they took the first bite. I smile softly at them and take a bite myself. I close my eyes, humming happily at the familiar taste of the sweet treat. Oh, how I missed this!

I turn my head to the side and let out a laugh as Senku and Gen starts to do a play. Ginro acted like a servant. Only to realize that he's been tricked into going along with their act. Senku assured him that this step is very important.

If the cotton candy ended up having a lot of sugar clumps in them, the cold wire we'd be making using the machine will also have a lot of clumps. Now, we need to figure out what's causing the clump and solve it before we start with gold.

Kinro and Ginro starts to pull the rope from either side. I focus on the way the machine is spinning, trying to see if I can spot the problem. I furrow my eyebrow as I focus. I snap my finger as I spot the problem.

"Then it's spinning to the other direction... the rotation drops. That must be the reason why the cotton candy have a lot of sugar clumps in them..." I said. I stand straighter and turn to look at Senku. He nods his head in agreement.

"Good observation, Y/N..." he said. He lift his hand and place it on his chin as he thinks about a solution. I do the same as I try brainstorming for ideas that would possibly help us solve this problem. "Hm, I know... we can make that" he said. I turn to look at him in confusion. What did he mean by 'that'? 

A While Later

Oh... he meant gear. Of course, by using gear... we can control the speed of the spinning. It will turn in a single direction. Which will make the spinning more stable. As expected from the science genius. Of course, he would always figure things out.

Now that the problem is solved. We can start making the gold wire. Senku show everyone how it needs to be done. Kohaku asked him how long he'd need the wire to be. He grins at her.

"Well... from this point..." he said, pointing at the ground where he's standing. He turns to the mountain and points it there. "Up to that mountain!" He said. Everyone gasps in shock at what he said.

I just let out a nervous chuckle at everyone's reaction. But well... it can't be helped. We'd need lots of gold wire if we want to make the cellphone as our ultimate weapon. I can only hope everyone won't get irritated and back down on the task ahead. The gold wire is only the beginning of our journey to make the cell phone. There's still a LONG way to go.

*to be continued*

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