Chapter 25

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Previously on Chapter 24

'Why did I even do that?' I thought to myself as we make our way towards the lab. I glance at Chrome who walked next to me. His cheeks are still a little red, which makes my own starts to get warmer. I can't believe I did that... what's gotten into me?? Well, I know what's happening. I'm falling for Chrome.

-Chemical Works-


Chrome and I enter the lab, making Senku, Suika and Kohaku turn their heads to look at me. "Y/N? What are you doing walking around?" Senku said. I walk further inside and stand next to him.

"I'm fine, Senku. I want to help out..." I said. He raises an eyebrow at me. He hums and shrugs his shoulders. He seems aware that no matter what he said, if I had set my mind on something... nothing would be able to change my mind.

"Are you sure you're fit enough?" Kohaku said. I turn to look at her and nod my head, smiling reassuringly. She let out a sigh and nod her head. "Don't force it though. If you feel tired, just get some rest" she said.

"Will do... now, let's get started" I said. Everyone nods their heads with a grin on their faces. I walk towards the shelf and grab the right flasks that we'd be needing to contain our chemicals.

After mixing a few ingredients, we finally completed the first chemical. I place my hands on my hips while staring at Senku with a straight gaze. He's hovering Suika who's kneeling by the wall.

"Now we have Hydrochloric Acid

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Now we have Hydrochloric Acid. This is a somewhat dangerous chemical... get in it your eyes and you'll be blind" he said. I mean, he's not wrong about that. But did he have to scare Suika? The poor girl is trembling.

"Now we have chlorosulfuric acid" he said, with an even more evil grin on his face

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Now we have chlorosulfuric acid" he said, with an even more evil grin on his face. "This is a dangerous chemical. Getting it on your skin, you'll turn into a skulking zombie" he said.

"Goodness... do you have to do that? And with that face too. You're scaring Suika" I said. But he just ignores what I said. I shake my head and gently hit my face.

"Now we have sodium hydroxide" he said, while holding a much smaller jar compare to the other two

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Now we have sodium hydroxide" he said, while holding a much smaller jar compare to the other two. "This is an ultra dangerous chemical. The Yakuza use it to preserved corpses..." he said.

I lift my hand as I feel ticked by his action. I walk up to him and grab the jar from him. He turns to look at me. His face turns pale at how angry I look. "CUT THAT OUT, WILL YOU!!!" I screamed out, while giving him a death glare. He flinched and backed away to the wall next to Suika.

I huffed at him and turn to Suika. I kneel down in front of her. "It's okay... Senku only say that so you'd be careful, Suika. Come here..." I said, spreading my arms to invite her to a hug. She instantly scoots closer to me. I embrace her and run my hand up and down her back comfortingly. I feel her body relaxing a little. I smile softly and turn to glare at Senku one more time.

"I get it... so a chemical that makes you blind and turn you into a skulking zombie" Kohaku said. I turn my head to look at her and paled at the expression she's making. I quickly steps aside so I wouldn't face her wrath. She walk up to Senku and Chrome who cowers in fear. "And you're going to make Ruri-Nee drink that??" She said.

"She's not drinking it! We just need it to make the drug!" Senku said, while shivering in fear. I cover my mouth as I try not to laugh. Serves him right. He scared Suika earlier too.

Senku stands up and walks out, with Chrome who holds a glass jar. "The next chemical isn't so dangerous. Let's make ammonia" he said. Wait... did he said ammonia? I let out a shriek and quickly turns around so my back is facing the two boys, knowing what ammonia is. I can hear the sound as they urinate into the jar. I cringed at the sound they're making.

"And you'll make Ruri-Nee drink that??" Kohaku said, glaring at the two boys. They turn to her and shivers in fear again. I roll my eyes at their reaction.

"I told you she's not drinking it. We just need it to make the drug! Help me, Y/N..." Senku said. I raise my hands up in a mock surrender as I shrugs my shoulders. I close my eyes and place my hands behind my head. "Traitor!" He said.

"Don't drag me into your problem... you brought it upon yourself" I said. I stick my tongue out at him. He huffed at what I said. "Although... you do need to calm down, Kohaku. Senku is right though, Ruri isn't going to drink those. We just need it for the steps to prepare the drug and that's it" I said, gently patting her shoulders. She relaxes a little after I said that. I turn to look at Senku with a 'you owe me' look.

"So... what should we make next?" I said, after making sure that Kohaku have cooled down. I turn to look at Senku. Now that we have basically everything. We're down to 3 more substance. But in order to create them, we'd need alcohol. Which isn't easy to gain though. It's going to be a hassle to make some.

Grandpa Kaseki who's just walking by turns his attention to us. "Alcohol? What are you talking about? If you win the Grand Bout tomorrow, you'd get more than you can ever finish" he said. I grin at what he said and turn to look at Senku.

"That's a relief!" I said. He nods his head and glance at the two guards who are training. "The timing is perfect!" I said. I turn to look at Chrome and grins happily. He also seem excited, also a little panicked to know that the day of the competition is tomorrow.

"You're right about that, Y/N. Now we'll have to make sure that we win the Grand Bout. Even if it kills us" he said. I nod my head in agreement. Senku is right. This is our only chance. We have to win the Grand Bout, cure Ruri and win their trust on us and science. We have to win!!

*to be continued*

Affection Through Time (Chrome X Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن