Chapter 20

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Previously on Chapter 19

"It could be... no, it must be..." she said. I tilt my head to the side, waiting for her to let us know. She lowers her hand as she gives me a serious gaze. "It's because of the Grand Bout" she said. I blink my eyes as I stare at her in confusion. The... what now?

-Clear World-


"What's that? Is it some kind of competition?" I asked. Kohaku turns to look at me. She nods her head and start explaining that the Grand Bout is. Apparently, the Grand Bout had been held for generations. A competition that will determine who's going to be the most suitable person to marry the village's priest and be the new chief.

"We can't let Magma win the Grand Bout. If he becomes the new chief, it would be hard for us to give the medicine to Ruri" I said. Everyone nods their heads in agreement. I place my finger on my chin. "If the one who becomes the chief is either Kinro or Ginro... it would be better" I said.

In the end, Kohaku agrees to my suggestion. She manage to convince the brothers to join the Grand Bout. So now Kohaku is training the two of them to be stronger for the competition.

"Go and help them... they could use some of your skill in Kendo" Senku said. I blink my eyes at what he said. I point at myself as if making sure he meant me. I can see a look of annoyance spreading across his face. "Who else master the art of Kendo around here?" He said.

"Oh..." I said, letting out a nervous laugh. He rolls his eyes at me and turns me around, lightly pushing my back as a signal to get going. "Are you sure though?" I asked. He let out a sigh at what I said.

"Of course! You've won a lot of trophy... and you're also a good athlete. Go and give them some tips!" He said. I let out a huff and nod my head. I turn around and starts to walk towards the Kohaku, Kinro and Ginro.

They turn their heads to look at me once I reached them. I wave my hand dismissively. "Keep going. I'm just here to observe. Back in the day, I've mastered a martial arts, known as Kendo. In fact, I'm the captain of the Kendo club. So Senku claimed that it could be useful if I try to give you guys some tips on how to get yourself stronger with your martial art skills" I said. Kohaku grins and nods her head. She turn to the other two and start to train again.

I start to observe their movements, trying to spot if they have any flaws. I notice Ginro's jabs are too shallow. Kinro is good, but he have a habit to strike too soon.

I clap my hands to gain their attention. They stop what they're doing and turn to look at me. "I've spotted some problems in both of your movements" I said, gesturing towards Kinro and Ginro. Ginro flinched when I point at him. I ignore his reaction and start listing down what the two of them can do to improve their skills.

From the corner of my eyes, I can see Senku yanking off Suika's watermelon mask. Kohaku notices too and rushes towards him. She yanks the watermelon mask from him while making a comment that Suika didn't want anyone to see her face.

"Have a good look..." Senku said. I turn my head to look at Suika. I let out a gasp when I saw her face. Suika is SO cute!! Even Kohaku is gushing over her cuteness. Suika turn her head to look at us.

My eyes widened when she starts to crunch up her face

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My eyes widened when she starts to crunch up her face. I get it now... she's nearsighted.

Senku assures her that it's not a flaw or defect. Even in the modern era before this, there's a lot of people who have the same problem as her. I walk up to her and kneels down.

"Don't worry, Suika... with the help of science. We can help you see the world clearer. Isn't that right, Senku?" I said, turning to look at the scientist. He grins and nod his head.


We start to gather the materials to make glass. The main ingredient is quartz sands. So that's what we'd going to gather first.

I gently hit the ground with the hammer. I feel excited when quartz sand starts flowing out. I gather them and place them inside the basket I've strapped on the band around my waist.

I decide move on another place so I can gather more sand. As I step onto a stone, it broke off. I let out a yelp as I feel myself falling. I close my eyes tightly, bracing myself for an impact. But instead of feeling the pain, I feel a pair of arms around me.

I slowly open my eyes to see a worried looking Chrome. "Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly. I blink my eyes in surprise as I stare at him. "Y/N?" He asked. I realize that I had been staring and shakes my head.

"Huh? Oh... yeah. I'm fine... thanks for catching me. And uhh... you can put me down now" I said. He realize that he's still carrying me. He quickly places me back on my feet, but make sure to be gentle so I don't fall over. I smile softly at him. "Thanks again for saving me" I said.

"Y-You're welcome..." he said, while rubbing his neck. I notice his cheeks turning slightly red. But I said nothing about it, not wanting to make him feel awkward. Aside from that, I can't seem to ignore the fact that my heart is beating faster. It's not because of my little accident. But it's because of how close I was to Chrome.

I turn around and walks away from Chrome, while trying to calm myself. Why do I even feel this way towards him? Could it be that... I'm falling for him? Ugh, what are you saying, Y/N! Of course you weren't. You barely know the guy!


After a long process. We finally manage to create glass. Senku seem exhausted by all the process. Senku, Chrome, Suika and I are currently walking through the sunflower field.

"Suika... what do you see in front of you?" Senku said, who's holding the watermelon rind. Suika turn her head to look forward. She start to squint her eyes, as she try to see what's in front of her.

"They're just sunflower... it's not like Suika can't see at all, you know..." she said. Senku gently slip the mask on. I watch as tears starts to stream down her cheeks as she stares at her surrounding, even towards the three of us.

"Now you can see clearer, Suika..." I said, smiling softly at her while kneeling down. She let out a happy laugh and throws her arms around my neck. I let out a giggle and return her embrace. I can feel the happiness radiating off of her. I'm so happy to see her happy.

*to be continued*

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