Chapter 21

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Previously on Chapter 20

"Now you can see clearer, Suika..." I said, smiling softly at her while kneeling down. She let out a happy laugh and throws her arms around my neck. I let out a giggle and return her embrace. I can feel the happiness radiating off of her. I'm so happy to see her happy.

-Glass Work-


Now that we manage to help Suika see the world clearer. Next, we'll try to make some glass flasks. Glass flask are essential because the next thing we need to gather need a much more durable container, and glass pretty much can hold any substance. That's why we need to make them first before we get to move to the next steps.

Suika is getting even more nimble now that she don't see things in fuzziness. She looks so happy with that. Which makes me happy too, because we're able to help her see the world just like the rest of us do.

After we create the glass furnace, now it's time for us to try making the glass flask. Senku try to blow on the tube. But the end result is... disappointing.

"Nothing ever works on the first try, huh?" I said, shaking my head in disappointment. Senku let out a chuckle. He turn to look at me. "So what's your plan? Just gonna keep on trying?" I asked.

"Well, what else can we do? I'm not a craftsmen. It took me several tries to even get the clay pots to look decent" he said. I let out a sigh and run my hand through my hair. I turn my head and notice Chrome with a serious face. He seem to be thinking about something.


Senku and I wait by the bridge. Chrome said there is a man in the village that could be helpful with our problem. So he went back to get him. But he's taking quite a long time.

I hear the sound of struggling and turn my head. I notice an old man being tied up with rope. Chrome is pulling him along the bridge. I stare at the old man nervously. Is he serious about this??

"Chrome! What are you doing?" I said. I turn to look at the old man, before turning to look at Chrome again. "Untie him, Chrome... right now! This isn't a way to ask someone for help!" I said.

"But he wouldn't help if I just ask him..." he mumbled, but loud enough for me to hear. He turns to look at the old man. "Please, grandpa Kaseki... we could really use your skill" he said.

"Is this how you ask for help?! Tie me up for your kinky rope play? Even the stranger have a better manner than you!" He said. I walk up to him and lean down so I can be on the same eye-level as him.

"Grandpa Kaseki, right? Will you help us?" I asked. He just turn his head away from me. I let out a sigh and stand straighter. I turn to look at Chrome. He gives me a 'I told you so' look. I roll my eyes and turns to look at Senku. I give him a look, as if asking him to do something that will convince Grandpa Kaseki to help us. He gets the picture and grins.

In the end, we manage to get Grandpa Kaseki to help us. I watch in awe as he skillfully create the flasks. He truly is a craftsman. Well... that's to be expected from someone with years of crafting experiences.

By the end of the day, we manage to create an entire lab filled with various shapes and sizes of glass flask. I turn to Senku and share a high five with him. I let out a happy laugh as I turn to Chrome, pulling him into a hug.

I realize not long after what I just did. I clear my throat and pulls away from him. "Sorry..." I mumbled. I look away from him, trying to hide the red hue that starts to form on my cheeks.

Chrome P.O.V

We finally have what Senku called science lab! I'm so glad we manage to come this far. I cheer out of happiness at our accomplishments.

I feel myself getting pulled into an embrace. I realize it's Y/N. I feel my heart beat starts to accelerate at her action. But I return her embrace anyway. But the hug only lasted for a few seconds, until she pulls away.

"Sorry..." she mumbled. She's avoiding eye-contact with me. But before she completely looks away, I manage to catch a glimpse of her cheeks. They're rosy red. Which lets me know that she's embarrassed with her action, and to be honest... I find her shyness really cute.

"It's okay" I finally said. I rub my neck as I feel my own cheeks getting warmer. Why am I feeling this way? Could it be that I'm falling in love with Y/N?


It is now night time. Chrome and Senku are asleep. But I couldn't sleep no matter how hard I tried. So in the end, I just sit on a rock outside of Chrome's shed. I don't know why. There's nothing bothering my mind. Yet I couldn't fall asleep.

"Can't sleep?" Someone said, making me jump. I turn my head to the side to see it's Chrome. He walks over to me and gently drape a blanket around my shoulder. "It's cold tonight... best to stay warm or you'd get sick..." he said.

"Thanks..." I said, wrapping the blanket around myself better. I didn't even realize how cold I was feeling, until Chrome point it out. I smile softly at Chrome and turn my head to look at the sky again.

"Tell me how your life were like before the whole world turns into stone... Senku mentioned something about. What did he say again? Kendo? What is that? Please tell me..." he said. I turn to look at him, blinking my eyes in surprise.

"Well Kendo is an art of martial arts" I said. I start to talk about what Kendo is and what's the benefit of learning it. Chrome stays silent as he listens to my story. His eyes are glimmered with excitement.

The sight of excitement in his eyes brought warmth into my heart. The thought that someone wants to know me. It makes me happy. Then the fact that it's Chrome, for some reason... it makes my heart beats faster.

Am I... falling for him?

*to be continued*

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