Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

We don't want that to happen, because we need more time to prepare. If Tsukasa finds out this soon, it will be game over for us... and the end of our road to save civilization.

-Dealing With Lightning-


Senku and the smooth-talker is discussing something. I just listen to their conversation silently, wanting to make sure the new comer wouldn't do anything rash that might put the Kingdom of Science at stake. I just stare at the smooth-talker with an unimpressed face as he starts to talk about wanting to have a harem.

I turn my head and notice Suika walking up to him. "What is harem?" She asked. The new comer turn to look at her. I give him a cold glare, making him flinch and turn to Suika.

"Sorry... but a kid shouldn't know about it yet" he said. I notice him visibly shaking, making me internally smirk. He might be someone who can lie easily. But it's clear that he's nothing but a scaredy-cat.

"Suika thinks Ramen is the best!!" Suika said. I smile at her cuteness. I wonder what she looks like without that mask. I'm sure she's an adorable little girl.

"Personally... I don't care who wins. I will be the one to win no matter who I dispose off" Asagiri Gen said. I turn to look at him with a glare. I was about to walk towards him. But Kohaku beats me to it.

"Asagiri Gen, huh?" She said. She stands in front of him with knives in her hands. "A superficial man like you should either be killed or imprisoned" she said. I smirk as Asagiri Gen have his hands in front of him with a scared face.

"Wahhh!! So scary!!" He said. I let out a laugh, while covering my mouth. I was right about him. He is nothing but a scaredy cat.

"Don't worry... once you see what I can create using my science, you're 10 billion percent would want to join us" Senku said. He turns around and walks towards the shed. He starts to climbs up the wooden stairs.

"Oh what? Are you going to impress me with a katana?" Asagiri Gen said. I just snort at what he said. He's going to be surprised. He thinks Senku is a simple guy? He's going to go overboard.

Senku turns to look at him with a smirk. "A generator..." he said. I turn to look at Asagiri Gen to see him turning pale on the face. I can see him literally having a mental panic.

"A generator?! In the stone world?? There's no way you can pull that off" he said. I shake my head and push him aside, wanting to follow Senku into the science shed. I turn to look at him before climbing up the stairs.

"My suggestion for you... do not underestimate Senku. You'll only embarrass yourself" I said. I wink at him and turn around, begin climbing up the stairs. Chrome stands behind Senku as he goes through his collection.

"You even have natural copper..." he said. I peek over his shoulder to see him holding a brick of copper. I've never seen a natural copper before. I walk over and kneel down next to Senku to take a closer look.

"It's so pretty though. I don't want to break it" Chrome said. I turn to look at him, and let out a giggle. He turn to me with a questioning look. I shake my head and focus on Senku.

"We'll melt it down to make copper wire" Senku said, as he completely ignored what Chrome just said. Chrome let out a sigh at what he said. I turn to him and smiles, trying not to laugh.

"He's not even listening... damn" he said. I just shrugs at what he said. I'm not surprised about that, at all. If Senku wants something, he'll do everything to get it. Like I've said... Senku's determination is admirable.

"The only thing we need is lightning..." Senku said. As soon as he said that, the sky starts to get darker. I jump at the sound of lighting and quickly holds onto Chrome's arm out of fear. I close my eyes tightly. I've never been a big fan of lightning. Even before the petrification.

Chrome P.O.V

I feel something hugging my arm. I turn my head to see it's Y/N. She have her eyes close shut tightly. I can feel her body trembling slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, feeling genuinely worried about the h/c haired girl. She shakes her head while still holding onto my arm. Senku turns his head slightly to look at us. I turn to him with a questioning look.

"She have fear of thunder... it's best if she just stays indoor in this situation" he said. He turns to look outside with an irritated and panic expression. I turn my head to look outside as well.

"What a luck... the thunder actually comes" I said. Senku groans at what I said. I turn to look at him with a confuse expression. He wished for lightning and it actually come. So what's the problem?

"Idiot. This is the worst case scenario! We're not even prepared!" He said. He calms himself and sigh. "But I guess we'd have to make the most of it..." he said. He turns around and rush out of the shed.

I turn to look at Y/N who still clings on my arm. "You'd be better of indoor, Y/N..." I said. She shakes her head and pulls away from me. She looks at me, giving me a weak smile.

"I'll be fine. I want to help. Let's go..." she said. She turn around to walk out of the shed. I just let out a sigh. Seems like I can't convince her otherwise. She seem determined. So I don't have a choice but to let her. I just have to make sure she'll be alright and didn't get too scared.



After facing a little problem with 3 people from the village that Asagiri Gen managed to drive off. We're now climbing up a tall hill. Senku said it's necessary if we want to catch the lightning.

"The lightning is closing in! We don't have much time to make the tower!" Chrome said. Everyone starts to think of a way to hold the iron up high so the lightning would hit it. I turn my head to the side and notices Kinro's spear. Everyone notices where I'm looking and turn to look at him as well.

"No! Anything but my spear!!!" He yelled out. I just run forward and kicks the spear out of his hand. Kohaku take off her hairband and hands it to me. I tie the iron around the end of the spear and pierced it on the ground. I rush away and stands next to Chrome, just in time for lightning to strike. I let out a shriek and hugs Chrome out of fear.

"There there... it's okay" he said, patting my back softly as an attempt to comfort me. I just bury my face in his chest. "You did well, despite being scared of lightning" he said. I pull away and smiles at him. He smiles back at me. I don't know why... but seeing his smile brought warmth to my heart.

*to be continued*

Affection Through Time (Chrome X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz