Chapter 18

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Previously on Chapter 17

"There there... it's okay" he said, patting my back softly as an attempt to comfort me. I just bury my face in his chest. "You did well, despite being scared of lightning" he said. I pull away and smiles at him. He smiles back at me. I don't know why... but seeing his smile brought warmth to my heart.

-Let There Be Light-


After we get our magnet. Everyone starts to work on getting the generator together. Senku and Chrome are currently making two disks. Once we spins both of them simultaneously, we should be able to generate electricity.

I turn my head to look at Senku, and stares at him with a worried gaze. His whole face is bloated. His eyes are both watery. Even his lips are swollen. I'm guessing he have some sort of allergy reaction.

"Ah, Senku-Chan. I don't know when to say this, but..." Asagiri Gen said. Senku turns his head to look at him with his bloated face. "Why have you turned into an Anpanman?" He asked, staring at him with a worried gaze.

"Lacquer rash..." Senku said. Even his voice sounded a little hoarse. I let out a sigh and walk towards the science shed. I found the right herb and start to make a drink that will help ease his sore throat. If he knew he have allergy on lacquer, why would he use it? Welp... we don't have other materials, so I guess we don't really have much of a choice.

I walk back towards Senku once the herb drink is done. I outstretch my hand to him. "Here... drink this. It should help with your throat" I said. He just grabs the cup from me and starts to drink it without a question.

"Thanks..." he said, handing the empty cup back to me. I take it from him and kneels down as he continues to layer the copper wire with lacquer. His voice sounded a little better, but his face is still slightly swollen.


It's starting to get pretty dark by the time we've finished. I stare at the dual hand-cranked generator. I turn to look at Senku, while crossing my arms across my chest.

"So... who's going to spin them?" I said. I turn to look at the generator. "We have to spin them simultaneously or it might break apart" I said. Senku hums at what I said. He knows I'm right.

"She's right... we need someone who's perfectly in sync with each other" he said. All of us starts to think about the possible two people that we can ask help from. Wait... I think I know. I turn to look at the others to see they seem to be thinking the same as me.

We head towards the bridge where the brothers are. "You guys again... what do you want this time?" Kinro said. I let out a nervous laugh at how cold he sounded. I rub my neck sheepishly. I think he's still upset that I wrecked his gold spear.

Chrome steps forward with his fingers under his chin, as if he's a cool person. "Science are awesome. Come with us and we'll show you what we've created" he said.

"Absolutely no..." Kinro said. Chrome kneels down on the ground with a dejected look. I let out a sigh and nudge Asagiri Gen. He's a smooth talker, so he'd know how to persuade these two. He nods his head and walks forward.

"Electricity is awesome~" he said, while striking weird poses. "With the help of science we can easily repair the gold spear. Even make more of gold and silver spear. Right, Senku-Chan? Y/N-Chan~" he said. Oh goodness, he's really is a superficial man.

"Oi... electro coating isn't that easy. Do you even know the recipe?" Senku whispered in his ear. Senku turn to look at me and pull on my ear. "This is all your idea, Y/N" he said. I whined in pain and rub my ear.

"Look at the two of them... they seem interested though" I said, while pointing at the village's guards. Senku turn his head to look at Kinro and Ginro. They have a dreamy look on their faces. Senku let out a sigh and smirks.

A While Later

I watch as Kinro and Ginro starts to spin the dual hand-cranked in perfect synchronization. As expected from a sibling. They would know each other so well to the point they would be in sync.

I turn my attention to Chrome and Senku, as the two of them climbs up the shed. I want to come too, but Chrome didn't let me. So I just wait with the others on the ground as Senku prepares it.

"Does it have to be so high up?" Asagiri Gen said. Senku turn to look at him and let out a chuckle. He shrugs his shoulders and keeps climbing.

"Well, not really. But, might as well" he said. He kneels down when he's quite high. I notice Senku and Chrome seem to be talking. But it's hard to hear what they talk about because they're too high up.

A few seconds later, a bright light appear. I stare at it in awe. It's been so long since I've last seen light. This is amazing. A grin starts to form on my lips. We did it!! We have created electricity!!


Everyone but Asagiri Gen is gathering inside Chrome's shed. Senku and I start to talk about our encounter with Tsukasa and what he did to Senku. We have to let these people know just what kind of person we're up against.

"So you see, Suika... this Tsukasa didn't even hesitate to kill Senku..." he said. Senku let out a chuckle and rubs the back of his neck, commenting how he isn't dead. But the others completely ignores him. They start to discuss about things, until the topic stops when it starts to discuss about the new comer. The smooth-talker... Asagiri Gen.

"Well, right now Asagiri Gen might be someone sent by Tsukasa to spy on us. But if we manage to get him to switch sides to us... we might have a chance to win this war" I said.

Senku nods his head at what I said. "We need to get him to give a bogus report to Tsukasa 'Senku is definitely dead.' That's the only way we'd win this fight" he said. Chrome quickly turns around and stands by the window.

"You hear that Gen?? Who cares whether Senku or Tsukasa is the one who wins the fight! Science is definitely more fun!!" He said. I just smile at him. He seem pretty enthusiastic about science. I'm glad we manage to have someone like him on our side.

"My... you're very passionate, aren't you?" Asagiri Gen said. I move to kneel down next to Chrome. "But it's so unfortunate that I don't have your passion. I'm the most superficial man there is. I only care if it would benefit me" he said. He turns around and walks off. I let out a sigh. I figured it wouldn't be that easy.

I hear growling behind me. I turn around to see Kohaku standing up, while holding a knife. Senku have his hand lift in a stopping motion, trying to stop Kohaku. I walk over to Kohaku and pat her shoulder, trying to calm her down. She let out a sigh and sits back down.

I let out a sigh and take a seat. "There has to be a way we can do to win the mentalist over" I said, while pulling my knees closer to my chest. Everyone hums to what I said. I place my chin on my arms, trying to think of a way that will help us convince Asagiri Gen to switch side. But... what can we do?

*to be continued*

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