Chapter 41

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Previously on Chapter 40

My comment makes everyone cheers along. They start to cheer as well. Finally... there's a way that will help us carry out our plan. Let's hope everything will workout from now.

-Treasure Hunting-


Now that we know there's a source that we can get our metal from. All we need to do right now is to choose who will be going to get them. We gather around one area as Senku needs to choose who will be the last person to be coming with us. So far, it's been decided that the one that will go on this exploration is Senku, Chrome and I. We just have to choose one more person.

"The last member of this expedition will be... Magma!" He said. I blink my eyes in surprise at what he said. Did I hear him right? Did he seriously chose Magma to be the one to come with us??

"Are you serious?" I said. He turns to look at me and nod his head. I let out a sigh, while running my hand through my hair. "Why am I getting a bad feeling about this..." I muttered in a hushed tone.

Chrome helps me gear up. He gently adjust the headlamp on my head. "Are you sure you're okay to go on with this expedition, Y/N? I mean... your knee is still injured" He asked, while staring at me worriedly.

I smile softly and nod my head. "I'm fine, Chrome. This is just a scrape..." I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. He's very well aware that he won't be able to change my mind. "Besides, someone needs to keep an eye on that man" I said, motioning towards Magma who's putting on the gear.

"Okay... but do be careful when we're in that cave, okay? I don't want to see you getting hurt again" he said. I smile softly and nod my head. I lean up and gently place a soft peck on his lips.

"I'm gonna be fine..." I said. He still looks worried even after I tried to assure him. I cup his cheek, caressing his skin. "You worry too much" I said.

"You're my girlfriend... what do you expect?" He asked. I just let out a soft giggle. I shake my head and nudge my nose against his nose. He just smile at me. He gently wrap his arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest.

"Hey, lovebirds! Are you done yet?? We have to get going now!" Senku's voice can be heard. I pull away and turn to look at him. He looks so impatient as he places his hands on his hips, staring at us with his usual bored face. That guy is really an anti-romance.

Chrome gently holds my hand as the two of us makes our way towards where Senku and Magma are waiting. "Man, you really hate romance, huh?" Chrome said. Senku rolls his eyes at what he said.

"That's just how he is, Chrome. Even back then... he'd never show any interest AT ALL" I said. Chrome just hum at what I said. Senku huffed as we gossips about him.

"Quit gossiping about me. We have better things to do. Now, come on and let's get going..." he said. I let out a giggle at his comment. I turn to look at Chrome who's also smiling. The four of us starts to walk as we begin our journey to gather some scheelite, which we desperately need for our cell phone project.


We're now standing in front of the cave. The air near the cave's entrance is weirdly warm, despite the season being winter. I turn my head to look at Senku as he dip his hand into the water that flows out of the cave.

"The water is lukewarm. You can definitely expect some treasures in there" he said. I turn to look at Chrome out of excitement. He grins at me, as he wrap an arm around my shoulder. The four of us continues to venture deeper into the cave.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring Magma with us? As far as we're concern... he could kill you and tell the others that your death is an accident. No one's gonna know the truth..." Chrome said. He makes sure to lower his voice, so Magma wouldn't be able to hear him.

Seems like he also shares the same worry as me. Magma is dangerous to be around with. With his strength and hatred towards Senku. He'd definitely do that.

"Think about what we have to do. The scheelite will be really hard to get. We need his brute strength in order to acquire it" Senku said. I let out a sigh and nod my head. He's right about that. I've read books about gems before and scheelite is very tough.

I look forward and gasp. "Stand back!" I said, lifting my arm, outstretch to the side. The others instantly stops at my action. I kneel down on the ground and grab a piece of rock.

"What is it, Y/N?" Chrome asked. I turn to look at him and turn to Senku. I toss the rock at him. He catches it in his hand and stare at it. He clicks his tongue as he realize what the stone is.

"It's mica... even though they're stone, they're brittle enough to break with your fingers. Good calling, Y/N" he said. He turns to look forward. "Look at that... they're all natural pit traps" he said. I move to stand up and back up a little, making sure to be careful so I don't accidentally step on the soft ones. It will be hard to get out of the pit if I fall into it.

I feel something cracks under my feet. I look down to see it's starting to break. But before I could fall through, a hand pushes me out of the way. I turn my head to see Magma falling as the ground beneath him breaks.

"Magma!!" I yelled out. I rush forward and grabs his hand. I can feel myself getting dragged as his weight is too much for me. I feel a pair of arms grabbed me from behind. I turn my head slightly to see it's Senku.

"What are you doing, Senku?! Let him go! You too, Y/N! He was trying to shove you in!" Chrome yelled out. I want to answer him that it's not like that. But holding onto Magma is making me hard to breathe, so I couldn't say anything.

The ground beneath us eventually cave in. We fall down into the pit. Soon, we reach the ground. I let out a groan in pain from the impact. I close my eyes. The last thing I hear is Chrome's distinct voice as he screams out my name, and everything went dark.

*to be continued*

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