Chapter 51

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Previously on Chapter 50

I hear Magma's scream and turn my head to look at him. He stomps on the ground. He turns around and runs off. He's the only hope we have. He'd be able to warn Senku and the others, so they'd be able to come and rescue us. Please reach the Kingdom of Science safely, Magma. You are our last hope.



The guy in yellow leads us up the hill. Chrome walks next to me. I look down at the rope around my body. It's a little tight, which makes it hard if we want to break free.

"Well... screw the ropes" the guy suddenly said. He reach over to Chrome and untie his rope. I stare at him with a confused expression. He turn his attention to me and do the same with my rope.

"What's going on?" Chrome asked. As they start to talk to each other. I decide to take this as a chance to observe the guy. I notice his eyes are a vibrant color of green. I glance at his hair to see them white like the snow.

I quickly look away when his eyes turn to look at me. Even if it's just for a few seconds. The only thing I see in his eyes are kindness. There are no sign of hostility. If he is kind... what is he doing with Tsukasa?

"Alright... we're here" the guy said, snapping me out of my thought. I turn my head to see a cave. I glance around and notice there are people that looks menacing. I feel my hands starting to sweat out of nervousness.

I look forward and make eye-contact with a familiar person. He stands up and walks up to us. Chrome place his hand on the side of my thigh, gently pushing me to stand behind him.

"It's you... I can tell. You've got a different aura from the rest" Chrome said. His voice sounded calm and steady. I stare at his back, wondering what's going on in his head. "I don't believe we've met before. You must be Shishio Tsukasa. My name is Chrome. I'm a science user of the Kingdom of Science!" He said.

"Chrome..." I muttered, while staring at his back. What is he doing? He's not scared of this huge guy. Tsukasa is a dangerous person. Even for me... and I was trained with a few martial arts skills.

I turn my head slightly and slightly froze when my eyes make contact with a familiar pair. Half of his face is covered just like the day we met after so long. I stare at him.

"Nii-Chan..." I said, in a hushed voice. Tsukasa seem to hear what I said. He turns to look at me for a moment and turn his head to look at Nii-Chan.

"So... this is the little sister you've been talking about?" He said. Nii-Chan just nods his head, eyes still glued on me. Tsukasa let out a light chuckle. "Such a small world this is..." he said.

"You know her, Tsukasa?" Nii-Chan said. Tsukasa just let out a hum as a 'yes.' Nii-Chan turn to look at me. "Indeed it is a small world..." he said. He stand straight and walks closer towards me. I just stare at him. Not sure what to do. Is he going to attack me, like he did back then?

Chrome notices the look of nervousness on my face. He gently push me to stand further behind him, acting as a shield to protect me. Even though Nii-Chan is wearing a mask. I can tell that he's frowning at Chrome's action.

"You seem to be quite protective of my sister. Tell me... what is she to you?" He asked. I stare at Chrome's back as his hand gently squeeze my thigh. I clutch onto his shirt, and worried for his safety. If he said something wrong... Nii-Chan wouldn't go easy on him.

"Who is Y/N to me? Let me tell you... she's my world. She is my beloved wife. I will never let you lay a hand on her!" He said. I notice Nii-Chan's eyes twitches a little at his comment. A clear sign that he's not happy with what he just heard. But Chrome didn't show any sign of fear, instead he just stare at Nii-Chan with confidence like he's the proudest person alive. He smirks at Nii-Chan and turn to look at Tsukasa. He lift his hand, pointing at him. "And you! I'm here to teach you straight-up, science killer Tsukasa. I'll teach you how cool science is!" He said.

My eyes widened at what he said. Please don't tell me this is what I think it is. "Chrome..." I said, in a warning tone. He turn to look at me with a reassuring gaze, assuring me that he got it under control. I let out a sigh and decide to put my faith on him.

"First... we have" he said. Please don't say too much. As much as I love Chrome. He have problem with keeping a secret. Which can be a huge problem if he said something that should be kept as a secret. "Rainbow flame!" He said. I close my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Well, at least he didn't say anything about the cell phone. I turn to look at the others to see them staring at Chrome with an unimpressed expressions.


I stand next to the guy who brought us here. My hands are tied behind my back. I stare at Chrome worriedly. He's hanged by the hoodie as Nii-Chan holds him over a high waterfall. If he falls from this height, he wouldn't survive.

"Why don't you join us, Chrome-Kun?" Nii-Chan said. I just stay silent as they start to have some talk. Nii-Chan turn his head to look at me. "What about you, Y/N? Don't you think it's about time that you switch to our side? You and I can be together again, just like when we were little. If you do... maybe I'll let him live" he said, shaking his kudayari a little. Chrome let out a scared sound. My eyes widened at his action.

"No! Stop it!!" I yelled out. I try to move forward to stop him, but feel a hand grabs my hoodie before I could take a step forward. I turn my head to see it's Tsukasa. Nii-Chan stops shaking Chrome who looks pale on the face.

Nii-Chan have changed. He's not the man he used to be. He was kind and gentle. But he's not like that anymore. He's different... I don't know him anymore. And now, he's putting the man I love in danger.

What should I do?

*to be continued*

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