Chapter 32

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Previously on Chapter 31

I cover my mouth as I start to cry. Chrome gently pulls me closer to him. I bury my face in his chest as I start to cry harder. Why does it have to end this way? Why Nii-Chan have to change?

-Battle In The Storm-


The next day, the sky have gotten a lot darker. It's a clear sign that the storm is coming real soon. I stare at the sky, with my hand on my katana's hilt. I feel so troubled about going into this battle. Mainly because the person I'm up against is my own brother. The brother that I've longed to find.

"Y/N... if it troubled you so much to fight your brother, you don't have to join the battle. Let everyone else handle it. You've done well in training everyone" someone said. I turn my head to the voice to see Senku. Chrome must have told him what I told him last night. About the fact that Hyoga and I are siblings.

"I'm sorry..." I said, deciding that it was too much for me. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I have to help defend this village, I just can't bring myself to actually bring up the courage to fight. Even if Hyoga is a bad person now, he's still my brother... my family.

"Go on..." he said, nodding his head to let me know that it's okay for me to back down from the battle. He gently pat my shoulder. I give him a weak smile. I turn around and walks further inside the village, deciding it would be best to let everyone else handles it. If I force myself to go out there and fight, I'd only slow everyone down.

I stand next to Chrome, deciding to just observe things from a far. I hope what I've taught them would be enough to help them fight. Deep down, I also hoped that they will not hurt Hyoga-Nii. I don't want my brother to get hurt. I don't want them to get hurt either.

From where I stand, I see the same people who was with Nii-Chan. They run towards Senku who stood by himself in the center of the bridge. He's acting as bait as everyone else hides and wait for their signals.

The others soon jumps from their hiding spot and fight them with ease. I smile to myself. Seems like all of my training has paid off. They've become quite skilled with their weapons.

I tensed up when I notice Nii-Chan walking up to them. I see his eyes scanning among their faces. He's probably looking for me. I just stare at him with a sad gaze.

"Nii-Chan..." I mumbled. I feel an arm drape around my shoulder comfortingly. I turn my head to see it's Chrome. I just lean my body against his, appreciating his gesture to try and comfort me. I watch in horror as Nii-Chan hurts my friends with his kudayari.

I shake my head as they start to fight him. I gently move Chrome's arm from my shoulder and runs towards them. I stand in front of Kohaku protectively, trying to shield her from my brother.

"Nii-Chan!! Stop with this! Please..." I said, pleadingly as I stop running when I reach them. Nii-Chan instantly stops his action when he notices me. "You've changed, Nii-Chan. You're not the same person I once knew! My brother would never hurt people!" I said, staring at him with a sad gaze.

"I tried my best to stay kind. They're making it hard for me! They took you away... the only family I had left!!" He said. I stare at him as tears starts to stream down my cheeks. He lift his free hand, as if inviting me to come with him. "But we can be together again, Y/N... come with me. We can create a new world, where we can be together again" he said.

"Not like this, Nii-Chan... not by hurting these people!" I said. He lowers his hand as he stares at me with a look of betrayal. "I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially not the villagers. They have done nothing wrong, Nii-Chan. You have to stop this! Please..." I pleaded.

"I see you've chosen where you'd stand... I have no use of a weak sister like you" he said. His voice sounded void of emotion. He lift his kudayari. He swings it at me. My eyes widened in horror at his action, my body freezes up in shock that my brother would even think of hurting me.

"Y/N, watch out!!" Kohaku yelled out. She steps up in front of me, trying to protect me. But before he could land a hit on either of us. The tip of his kudayari breaks off. My knees went jelly and I fall on my butt, staring at my brother in shock.

My sight starts to get blurry as tears starts to stream down my cheeks. My head starts to spin as I start to breathe heavily from the shock. My body falls to the side and everything went dark.


When I open my eyes as I slowly regain my conscious, I realize that I'm in Chrome's shed. I stare at the ceiling as I recall what happened. I can't believe that he would lift his weapon at me. My own brother... had tried to kill me.

"Y/N..." someone said. I turn my head to see Chrome. He stares at me with a sad gaze. I slowly sit up as he scoots closer to me. He gently pulls me closer. I just bury my face in the crook of his neck as I start to cry. He instantly wraps his arms around me, embracing me tightly in his arms to comfort me. I clutch onto his shirt as I start to cry harder.

'Nii-Chan... I can't believe you tried to hurt me' I thought to myself. My heart aches painfully in my chest. Chrome gently runs his hand through my hair, letting me cling on him as he tries his best to keep me calm. But my heart is breaking at the reality I have to accept. My brother is no longer the person I used to know. He had changed into a total stranger.

*to be continued*

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