Chapter 33

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Previously on Chapter 32

'Nii-Chan... I can't believe you tried to hurt me' I thought to myself. My heart aches painfully in my chest. Chrome gently runs his hand through my hair, letting me cling on him as he tries his best to keep me calm. But my heart is breaking at the reality I have to accept. My brother is no longer the person I used to know. He had changed into a total stranger.

-We Need A Plan-


I get up from the futon, which makes Chrome panicked. I turn to look at him as he outstretched his hands as if I'm going to collapse any seconds. "A-Are... are you sure that you're fit enough to get up?" He asked. I just smile softly at him and nod my head.

"Of course. I can't just lay around. I need to help Senku come up with a plan to fight back the Tsukasa's empire" I said. He looks hesitant. I smile reassuringly at him. He just nod his head.

I offer my hand to him. He grabs my hand. I pull him to his feet. I turn around and make my way outside. I slowly climb down, making sure to not slip on the way down. It would ended up nasty. Chrome follows along. We make our way to where Senku and the others are.

"So, we obviously going to need a new plan" I said. The gradient haired boy turn his head to look at me. He nods his head in agreement to my comment. He turns to look forward where the others are waiting what we'd be doing next.

"Yeah, Y/N's right about that" he said, as he focuses his attention on the others. "We do need a good plan if we want to win the war against the Kingdom of Might..." he said. He starts to go on about how things were back then. How the weapon of communication have been helpful in helping soldiers to win the war.

"You don't mean..." I said, realizing where this is going. Senku turn to look at me and smirks. My eyes widened as I realize that's exactly what he's planning. "For real??" I said. Everyone stares at us in confusion, while Senku turn to me and let out a chuckle.

"That big oaf have been wanting smartphone... but it's going to be a normal one and not the smart kind" he said. He turns to look at the others as his smirk widens. "We're going to make the most powerful weapon in all history. We will be making... a cellphone" he said. I slowly scan through their faces to observe their reaction. I let out a chuckle at the face Gen is making. Seems like that guy still have some doubts on us and our knowledge about science.

"What's a cellphone? Is it some kind of fish?" Magma asked, as he walks up to us. Senku turn to look at me. He gives me a look, as if trying to tell me that I should be the one to explain to them what a cellphone is and how it will work. I nod my head and turn to look at everyone as they wait eagerly for an explanation.

"Basically, it's a microchip in the phone modulates (or varies) a radio wave using the electrical signal. The radio wave travels through the air to a nearby cell tower; the tower sends your voice to the person you are calling and the process is reversed so that the person on the other end can hear your voice..." I said. I watch their reaction to see them looking confused. I let out a sigh and turn to look at Senku. "I'm so bad at explanation... a little help?" I said. Senku let out an amused chuckle at the defeated look on my face. He takes over in explaining to them about the device we'd be making.

His explanation is way better than mine. If he knows how to explain it well, why did he asked me to explain it to them in the first place! Damn... is he trying to embarrass me??

Senku turn to me and notices the annoyed expression on my face. He let out a chuckle. He reaches over, as he give my shoulder a gentle pat. "You did a good job..." he said.

"At embarrassing myself??" I said, crossing my arms. He lift his hand in surrender. I roll my eyes and looks away. "Don't ever make me explain again. I'm not doing a good job at it. If you need tips and tricks about martial arts, and I'm all for it... but if it's about this, then forget it" I said.

"Alright alright... whatever you say" he said, ruffling my hair. I let out a protest and swat his hand away. He just let out a chuckle at my reaction. He walks towards a wooden board and start drawing the roadmap that we need to work on in order to gain a cellphone.

I just watch every stroke he created on the leather board. He never cease to amaze me with his vast knowledge about science. I wonder what his brain is made off. He's practically like a walking encyclopedia.

He take a step backward as he grins at the roadmap he had just created. "This is going to be our biggest project so far. The deadline of this would be spring... that's how long we have before Tsukasa's full on assault. What's your take, mentalist?" he said. I nod my head, agreeing with him. I turn to look at Gen, waiting for his respond.

"Well... let's see... thinking like Tsukasa-Chan" he said. He closes his eyes as the aura that surrounds him seems to change. "We control the revival fluid. The more time that passes the greater our advantage in manpower. Yes. But it's Senku and Y/N that we're up against. If we give him too much time, he'll start mass producing gunpowder" he said. I let out a nervous laugh at his spot on impersonation on Tsukasa. It's almost like Tsukasa is actually speaking.

"Your voice imitations are way too accurate..." Senku said. I just nod my head, still shocked by Gen's skill in mimicking. "It's almost like he's actually here" he added. Even Kohaku have to pull out her sword.

"I'm getting goosebumps here" I muttered. I rub my arms, trying to calm my nerve. Gen just let out a chuckle at our reactions. "Damn you, stupid mentalist. You're making us nervous just by mimicking the voice of Tsukasa" I said in a hushed voice. That was so creepy.

*to be continued*

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