Chapter 39

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Previously on Chapter 38

"It's going to take a lot of time... I'm fine" I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. I give his cheek a soft kiss. He smiles softly at me and gently hold my arm, acting as if trying to ease the weight from my body. It makes my heart melt at how caring he is towards me. I'm so happy that Chrome loves me back.



After a while of walking, we finally reach the village. Chrome grab one of the copper he managed to gather. "We're back! And we've copped up some copper!" He said. I turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow as Senku and the others also gives him an unimpressed look. He notice the look we're giving him. "Er... no pun intended" he said.

Senku walks over to him and snatch the copper from his hand. "Just in time for copper too..." he said, staring at the copper in his hand. I wonder what he's been working on while we're gone.

We head towards where they're doing their works. I watch as Grandpa Kaseki gently push the copper sheet through the tube, creating a copper tube. Gen grabs it and stare at it.

"Copper tube? What is for?" I asked, turning to look at Senku. Senku turn to look at me and chuckles, telling me to just wait and see. I shrug my shoulders and nod my head. Gen turn his head and eyes my knee.

"You're injured, Y/N-Chan..." he said. Chrome turns his head to look at me. He slap his forehead, making me stare at him wide-eyed. He stands up and walks over to me.

"I'm so sorry... I completely forgot about your knee. Come on, Y/N. Let's get it treated properly" he said. I smile and nod my head. I let out a yelp when he suddenly scoops up in his arms. My arms went automatically went around his neck.

"I can walk, you know... and you're drawing a lot of attention on us" I said, glancing at the others to see them staring at us in with their eyes wide open. He look around and notices the others staring at us. He turns to me. He just shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, who cares?" He said, grinning at me. I pout at him, making him laugh. He gently places a soft kiss on my cheek which makes me blush. I bury my face into the crook of his neck out of embarrassment. I feel his neck vibrating as he chuckles at my reaction. I feel him walk, as he make his way towards the science lab with me still in his arms.

Inside the lab, Chrome gently sits me down on the table. He start to go around the lab to gather the stuff he needs to treat my wound. He walks back towards me and sits down on a chair. He undo the bandage he wrapped around my knee back when we were inside the cave. The grab the alcohol.

"Do let me know if it hurts, okay?" He said, turning to look at me. I smile softly and nod my head. He turn his attention back to my wound. He gently start to dab the alcohol on my wound. I wince in pain as it start to sting once the alcohol makes contact with the wound. Chrome stops dabbing on it and turn to look at me with a worried gaze.

"I'm fine... it's just a little sting" I said. He nods his head and continue to work on treating my wound. I smile softly as he seem so focus. He eventually starts to bandage it up after cleaning it.

"You two have been awfully acting a lot closer ever since you return from your exploration" someone said. We turn our heads to the sound to see Kohaku. The others are right behind her as they stare at us.

I turn my head to look at Chrome. He turn to me and smiles softly. He stands up, offering his hand to me. I place my hand on top of his. I move myself from the table and turn to look at the others who are still waiting for our explanation.  

"Well, to keep it short... Y/N and I are dating now" he said. Their eyes widened at what he said. I blush deep shade of red at how casually he spoke about us. He turn to look at me and let out a chuckle. He wrap an arm around my shoulder, gently pulling me closer to his side. He kiss the side of my head lovingly.

"For real??" Kohaku said. I turn to look at her and nod my head, while smiling softly while wrapping my arm around Chrome's torso. I turn to Chrome and smile softly. He gently nudge his nose with mine. I blush deep shade of red at his sudden action. He let out a chuckle at my reaction.

I turn to look at Senku who looks unimpressed. But that's just how he is. He's never interested in anything related to love and relationships. He's the most anti-romantic person you would ever know.

"Okay... enough with this sappy stuff. Come on, Chrome. We have a lot of work to do" he said. I turn my head to look at Chrome. He pouted as Senku walks away. I nudge his side gently, making him turn to look at me.

"We can spend a lot of times together after this war is over. We don't have much time..." I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. He give my lips a quick peck. I smile softly at him as he pulls away to follow Senku.


We have tried all kinds of way to create the right vacuum tube. But no matter what material we use, the glass would either breaks or the bamboo filament would burn. I can tell that everyone is starting to get frustrated, even Senku himself and he's the most hard working person I know. But even he looks like he's about to lose hope.

It's currently night time. Chrome, Senku and I are inside the science shed. I lay down in between the two boys. Chrome is already fast asleep, but Senku seems like he's deep in thought.

"I'm sure we'd find a way to win this war even without a phone, Senku... don't lose hope" I said. He turns to look at me and let out a sigh. He gives me a small smile. I just smile softly at him.

I turn my body to face Chrome. He moves and wrap his arms around me, pulling me closer to his side. I smile at his action and snuggle closer to him. I place my head on his chest and close my eyes. I start to feel very sleepy, so I let myself drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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