Chapter 46

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Previously on Chapter 45

"That's really suspicious... plus, it's number 14, one and four, or Ishi... Senku-Chan, it's your birthday" he said, with a smirk. Senku gasps at what he said. I was right after all... it IS a message. A message from the ancestors of this village delivered through a story.

-Voices Of The Dead-


We rushes up the hill where Senku's father's grave is. I breathe heavily as I watch Senku approach the stone. He let out a chuckle. "Why didn't I realize it sooner? The gravestone of the ancestors? Now that's a complete bull" he said. He walks up to it and picks it up.

"What are you doing, Senku?! That is sacrilege!" Kinro exclaimed, in disbelief that Senku would grab it just like that. Senku let out a chuckle at what he said. He turns to look at him and smirks.

"This isn't a gravestone... it's a time capsule that's been kept solid in concrete" he said. I blink my eyes in surprise at what he said. Of course, his father and the others would want to leave something. Keeping it inside a time capsule would be the best way to do that.

"You mean... there's something in there?" Chrome asked. I turn my head to look at him and nod my head. I turn to look forward at the concrete Senku is holding.

"Yeah, we need to break it to get inside" he said. Magma steps forward, holding a hammer. I let out a gasp at his action and quickly grab onto his shirt, trying to stop him from breaking the only thing left of the last survivors.

"Don't be rash, you idiot!!" I said, holding onto his shirt. He turns his head to look at me with a confused look. I let out a sigh and remove my hands from his shirt, but still watch him so he didn't try anything.

"Y/N's right. We can't act rashly about it. If I'm correct, there's glass inside it. We need someone with both speed and strength to get it out" he said. Kohaku is the one in-charge in getting it out.

I watch in amazement as she skillfully starts working on getting the glass out. Soon, it gets to the item which is wrapped up in silver aluminum foil. Senku grabs it and we head back to the village.

A While Later

Senku dips the wrapped up object into hydrochloride acid to melt away the foil. There's a rounded glass inside it. "It looks like a saucer you cut out off the bottom of a glass" Gen said.

"Speaker... speaks with needle. Does that reminds you of anything?" Senku said, grinning at Gen. I think about it for a while. I let out a gasp as I realize what it was. Gen seems to also realize it. He grabs it from Senku's hand and stare at it.

"It's a record!" He exclaimed. The others are confused what he's talking about. So Senku starts explaining what a record is and how it works. I smile to myself. Senku's dad is an awesome man. He went so far as to leave a message for Senku.

The smile on my face is replaced with a frown as I think about my past. Back then... it's always been me and Nii-Chan alone, because we have no parents. That's why we always value each other. Until the day where we got split up.

Not a day passed without me missing him and wanting to see him again. There's nothing I want more than to have Nii-Chan by my side. But now that we have the chance to be reunited, we're once again separated in two different sides as enemies. Me... right here as a member of the Kingdom of Science, and Nii-Chan on the other side in Tsukasa's Empire.

"Y/N... are you okay?" Chrome asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to look at him. He stares at me with a worried gaze. I give him a sad smile. He lift his hand and gently cups my cheek. "Is it about your brother again?" He asked, while gently caressing my cheek. I just nod my head. He hums softly and gently pulls me closer. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"I miss him... I wish he'd return to his old self. He was a loving and kind person. I don't know what happened to him. Why did he become like that?" I said. A sob escapes my lips as Chrome runs his hand through my hair, trying his best to comfort me.

"I'm sure we'd be able to find an answer. Once this war is over. I promise I will be there with you along the way" he said. I just nod my head, as I tighten my arms around his torso. I feel a soft kiss being placed on the side of my head.

"Thank you, Chrome..." I said. I hear a soft laugh, as he gently pulls away from me. He smiles at me and cups my cheeks, leaning his forehead against mine.

"You don't need to thank me. You're my wife, Y/N. Of course, I'd support you in everything..." he said. I smile softly at his comforting words. He really knows how to make my heart feel at ease. God... I love him so much.


After a couple of steps, we finally manage to create a record player. Everyone in the village gathers around the science lab. They seem intrigued to see what's happening. I smile softly at their excitement as Senku place the glass disk on the player. Ginro starts to spin it around. We stay silent, waiting for the recorder to start playing.

"I don't know who's listening to this. But this is the astronaut, Ishigami Byakuya" the speaker said. My eyes widened as I stare at it in awe. It actually works! They've managed to leave a message and kept it preserved even after thousand of years have passed. All of that with the help of science! Science just never fail to amaze me.

*to be continued*

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