Chapter 2

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Previously on Chapter 1

I climb inside the house I've created. I lay down on the ground and place my hands above my head. I stare at the ceiling as my mind starts drifting off, wondering what's going with this world. Why did everyone suddenly turned into stone?

-A Familiar Face-


I'm not sure how long I've been trying to survive in this new world. Everything around me reminds me of the time of the Stone Age. Looks like that green light that rained down on us however long ago did this. Just how long has passed since that day? Am I the only one who made it out alive from that dark prison? Am I alone in this world?

I've been practicing my archery for quite a while now. I have made significant progress. What I would give for a real sniper. It would make my hunting much easier. But I guess, I can't dwell on that.

I notice there's a smoke coming from a distance. My eyes widened at the sight. I quickly run towards the direction it came from. Hope fills my heart, that I'm not the only one left.

I come to a clearing. I watch as a man kneels down by the fire. He seem to be eating. He must have heard the sound of my footsteps. He turns around and notices me. My eyes widened at the sight of him. That gravity defying hair. No mistaken it... it's him.

"Ishigami-San?" I said. I notice his eyes widening a little at the sight of me. I walk closer towards him as he stares at me from where he's sitting. "Wow, I can't believe this. I thought I'm the last one" I said.

"Well well... look who's here. Just call me Senku. After all, last names have no meaning in this time of age" he said. I just hum and nod my head. He gives me a serious gaze. "How do you break out?" He asked.

"I don't know... it was dark, and the next thing I know is that I'm free. Man, that was scary though" I said. He just nods his head at what I said. I turn my head to the food he's eating. Seems like he's only eating plant base food.

"Want some?" He asked. I turn to look at him and shake my head. He shrugs his shoulders and continue to eat. I move to take a seat across from him. I take a moment to observe him. He seem to also made his clothes out of an animal skin. I notice there's something written in red on the left side of his chest, E=mc².

"Is this all you eat? Just berries and mushrooms" I asked. He turns to look at me and nod his head. I can't blame him though. After all, Senku isn't really athletic. He's pretty weak. I let out a sigh and stand up. "I'll be right back" I said. I turn around and walks away before he can question me.


I drop my hunt animals in front of Senku. He stares at it in surprise, before turning to look at me. "What? You look like you could use some meat. Go ahead and grill them. These are my hunt from yesterday. But they're still fresh. I've eaten a lot, so you can have these. I can hunt more later on..." I said.

"You hunt all these? By yourself?" He asked. I just nod my head and take a seat across from him again. He nods his head, humming softly. "Impressive... as expected from the school's best athlete and Kendo captain..." he said.

"What about you? You also outdid yourself. Building this campsite alone... I didn't know you had it in you" I said, teasingly. He rolls his eyes at what I said. He's aware that I'm making fun of his strength. But he doesn't seem that affected, because he knew I'm just messing around. That is the kind of relationship between me and the science boy.

"Thanks for these by the way..." he said. He take a bite out of the meat that had just been cooked. I just nod my head at what he said. I lean my back against the tree as I stare at the sky.

"Do you know what exactly happened to us, Senku?" I asked. Senku swallows the food and turn his attention to me. He starts to explain what had happened to us.

I was in complete shock when he told me that it had been over 3,700 years since that day. The world we once knew, all the modern civilization we once had is long gone. It got destroyed by time. Everything is back to being the nature... just like the Stone Age.

"If you want... you can come and live here" Senku said. I turn to look at him, with a suspicious gaze. He raises his eyebrow at me. "What?? Don't get the wrong idea. We're the only humans left. So I figured we would have a better chance at surviving if we stick together" he said. I blink my eyes and hum softly, nodding my head.

"Sure... I'll pack my belongings and bring them here. But in the meantime, I'd like to get a little rest. Hunting is so tiring... I haven't had enough rest since yesterday" I said. Senku just nods his head at what I said.


Senku and I have been working together to make a bigger tree house for the two of us. I help him in creating a lab, so he can do his experiment. He seem pretty determined to find a solution and a way to undo the petrification. He said he have figured out the first thing that helped break him out of the stone prison. Which is bat guano. In other words, nitric acid.

But the two of us isn't enough if we want to survive. We need to have another helping hand. Which Senku seem to know where to find. I just follow him as he walk through the forest.

"There it is..." he said. I turn my head to look at where he's looking. There's a stone hand sticking out from the ground. "There's only one person I know with a hand that big..." he said. He didn't say anything after that and just start to dig up. I blink my eyes in confusion. In the end, I shrug my shoulders and help him dig whoever it is out of the ground.

"Oh well, what do you know... it's Oki Taiju. I should have known he's the one you'd search for" I said. Senku let out a chuckle at what I said. He turns around and walks away, saying he need to get some nitric acid from the cave. I sit on the ground as I wait for him to return. I hope it will work... we could really use a brute force like Oki Taiju's.

Senku returns not long after. He pours the nitric acid over Taiju's head. But it doesn't seem to work as Taiju remains petrified. I turn to look at Senku and try not to laugh at the face he's making. Now is not the time for laughter.

"Damn it... why is it not working?" Senku muttered to himself. He sits down on the stone and start to think. "We have to figure out what makes us different and why we're able to break free from our stone prison..." he said.

"You're right. No one say it's going to be easy to figure this out. We just have to keep trying..." I said. He nods his head in agreement. Hopefully, we'll be able to find the solution we need. So we can save everyone.

*to be continued*

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