Chapter 22

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Previously on Chapter 21

The sight of excitement in his eyes brought warmth into my heart. The thought that someone wants to know me. It makes me happy. Then the fact that it's Chrome, for some reason... it makes my heart beats faster.

Am I... falling for him?

-Dangerous Task-


I stand inside the lab, looking around while admiring the newly acquired flasks. I never thought I'd be able to see these again. I'm so glad we manage to convince Grandpa Kaseki to help us with these.

I turn my head towards the entrance and gape at the sight of the brothers. "Err... Senku?" I said. Senku turn his head to look at me. I points at Kinro and Ginro with my thumb. He turn his head to look at them.

Ginro have a sparkly look in his eyes, while Kinro have his head turned away. Ginro asked if it's time to make the gold and silver spear. He claimed that the spears might help them win the Grand Bout.

Senku turn his head to look at Kohaku and I. "I don't know anything about battles. But is it true that gold spear and silver spear can help them win?" He asked. I shake my head at what he said.

"To borrow your word, Senku... they 10 billion percent just wants silver and gold spear" Kohaku said. I nod my head, agreeing to at what she said. I turn to look at the brothers who waits impatiently for Senku's decision to finally make them spears.

"Fine... we'll break the lab by making silver spear. Only the silver one" he said. Kinro's jaw drop at what he said. While Ginro let out a laugh, boasting about how he can be someone's favorite easily. I roll my eyes at the brothers.

"Idiot... you're nowhere near my favorite. We also need it for something else" Senku said, instantly crushing Ginro's spirit. He turns to look at Ginro with a malice smirk. I let out a nervous laugh at the sight. "Our next task is full of dangerous obstacles. It will literally causes you, your own life" he said.

Ginro's face instantly paled at what he said. I shake my head at his reaction. I turn around and went help Senku prepare the ingredients to work on the silver spear.


The silver spear is finally done. Ginro looks so happy as he held the silver spear. If only he knows what is coming. I kneel on the ground as I arrange the glass jars, placing them inside the woven basket that each one of us will be taking. I stand up and strap it around my shoulder.

"Alright. Let's go..." Senku said. I gently pat Suika's head as she wishes us good luck. I turn around and follows Senku and the others as we start our journey to gather the most essential thing for science.

Ginro keeps on spinning the spear around. "Ginro! Cut that out. Hold it properly!" I said, in a scolding manner. He instantly stops what he's doing and turn to look at us. Senku walks forward and make him position the spear in a correct manner.

"Hold it out like this. This spear acts is a sensor. Take a good look at the tip. If that silver spear turns black. A few seconds later, you'll be dead. You need to get away within 0,1 seconds and the rest of us will follow along" he said. Ginro's face turns ghostly white. I walk towards him and gently pat his shoulder as a way of encouraging him to be brave.

A While Later

"There are no fishes in this water..." Chrome said as he stares at the water. I place my hands on my knees as I stare at the water too. No fishes means we're on the right track.

"The material we'll need will be beyond this ravine. But things will be more dangerous from this point onwards. Watch your steps, everyone" Senku said. I turn my head and notice Ginro lingering behind.

"I... It's okay. T-The tip h-hasn't turn b-black..." he said. His voice sounded shaky and fearful. I let out a sigh and nudges Senku. He turns to look at me. I gesture towards Ginro with my head.

"Hey!! What's the bodyguard doing behind?!" He yelled out, while running towards him. Ginro flinched at his outburst. I roll my eyes and place my hands on my hips, while walking up to him.

"If you're scared... switch position with someone else" I said. He turns to look at me and shakes his head. I raise an eyebrow. "You sure? No one's forcing you to do this... if you're scared just say so" I asked.

"Yes. I can do it! I'll do it" he said. I let out a side. I shrug my shoulders at what he said, realizing that he isn't going to change his mind. I walk to stand behind him. He turn to look at me over his shoulder with a nervous gaze.

"What? You said you want to do it yourself. So go on... come on. Get moving, Ginro..." I said, placing my hands on his back shoulders and push him forward. He let out a shaky breath. He gulps and starts to walk, while holding the spear forward. I let out a sigh and follows along, with the others doing the same.


We come to a stop when there's beautiful emerald green lake. I look around the area in awe. I've never seen this thing in person before. I'm not sure about Senku. But it's the first time for me, and I'm sure the same goes with the others too.

The others are talking about how beautiful the water looks. I turn my head and notice Ginro walking towards the water. The tip of the spear starts to turn black. My eyes widened in horror.

"Get back, Ginro!!" I yelled out. Kohaku rushes forward and grabs him, pulling him back. Ginro starts screaming and waving his hands around, yelling out for whatever it is to go away.

"There's nothing there, Ginro. Calm down!" Kohaku said, trying to calm him down. But he's still hysterical. I turn my head as birds flew by, only to die instantly and falls into the water. The birds instantly melts.

"The bird melts... Senku, Y/N, just what's going on with this lake?" Chrome said. I turn to look at them for a few seconds and turn to look forward again.

I stare at the emerald water. "In our time, it was a chemical that served as the foundation for all kinds of chemical industries..." I said. I turn my head to look at Senku. He turns to look at me with just as serious face. "It's...

Sulfuric Acid

*to be continued*

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