Chapter 37

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Previously on Chapter 36

I look down as tears starts to stream down my cheeks. I still find it hard to believe how much he had changed. Why did he have to turn bad? What happened to my caring and loving brother?

-Minerals Hunting-


Chrome looks excited after Senku made him a head light gear. He instantly puts it on and stare at Senku with a huge grin on his face. One look at him, anyone would instantly guessed that he wanted to go explore.

"Senku... Y/N... I have an idea! With this new gear. I'd be able to explore deeper into the cave! Imagine all the awesome minerals I could gather! What do you need? I'll go and find them!" He said, excitedly. Even his eyes looks like they're sparkling. I just laugh softly to myself. I was right after all. Exploring is exactly what Chrome wants to do right now.

"What we need? Well, none" Senku said. Chrome stares at him with a disappointed look. "We have everything we need thanks to all the works we've done so far..." he said, with a bored look on his face.

"Just let him go and explore, Senku... don't let him get excited for nothing..." I said. Senku turn to look at him for a few seconds and hum softly. He pick his ear with his pinky finger while thinking about something. Chrome stares at him with a hopeful look.

"Well, alright... we could actually use some coppers. Who knows when we'd be needing a crazy amount of it for our next project" he said. Chrome's eyes lit up at what Senku said.

"Alright!! Thank you, Y/N!!" Chrome said, happily as he throws his arms around me. I let out a yelp as I stumble a little at his sudden action. But I manage to steady myself before I fall over. I let out a soft giggle and gently give his back a gentle pat.

"Actually... can I come with him, Senku? There's not much for me to do around here, and you can handle all things yourself, right?" I said. Chrome pulls away from me and turn to look at Senku expectantly. Senku seems to think about it and shrugs his shoulder.

"Go ahead..." he said. I grin happily. Chrome helps me gear up. I just stand still as he gently strap the head light on my head. I'm excited to see what we would be able to find out there.

Once I'm ready, Chrome and I heads off. I hear Senku's voice telling us to be back in three days, because he'd need our help by then. I turn around while still walking backward and gives him thumbs up. I turn around and face forward again.


After a while of walking, we finally reach a cave. I stare at the entrance. "Are you okay?" Chrome asked. I turn my head to look at him. I tilt my head, staring at him with a confused expression. "You look... worried?" He said.

"Oh... well, I've never been inside a cave before. I guess I'm a little nervous" I said, rubbing my neck sheepishly. Chrome just nods his head at what I said. I advert my gaze away from him, trying to hide the blush that has started to form on my cheeks.

"Are you scared?" He asked. I just nod my head, still not looking at him. I feel a hand gently slipping in mine. "I will be there with you, Y/N. I've done this quite a lot. It won't be too scary once you get used to it... but if you're too scared to proceed, then I can take you back" he said. I turn my head to look at him. I shake my head at what he said.

"No... we've came all the way here. It would be a waste of time if we go back now. I'm going to be fine..." I said. He frown at what I said. He eyed me worriedly as he give my hand a light squeeze.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I just smile softly and nod my head. He hums softly at my respond. "Alright... do let me know if you're starting to feel even more uncomfortable, okay? So I can get you out of there instantly..." he said. I nod my head. He smiles softly at me. He gently pulls me with him as the two of us make our way inside. I take a deep breath as we venture deeper into the cave.

I look around at the structure of the cave. It's actually not that bad. It's actually quite beautiful in here. It's amazing how nature is able to create something like this.

"Wow..." I said. I feel eyes on me and turn to look at Chrome, since there's only the two of us. "I'm just admiring the cave's structure. It's amazing..." I said. He smiles at what I said and gently ruffles my hair.

"I told you it isn't that scary..." he said. I just swat his hand away from my hair. He let out a chuckle as he cross his arms across his chest. I turn my head forward. My eyes lit up as I notice something.

"Chrome look!" I said, pointing forward. Chrome turn his head to where I'm pointing. "There's a lot of limestone. In other words... crystals. I'll gather them, who knows... we might need them for something" I said. Chrome nods his head at what I said.

I walk towards it and start to pick some, placing them inside my basket. Chrome is about to do the same. But I stopped him. He turns to look at me in confusion.

"Save some space... if we both gather the same thing, we won't be able to gather a lot of kinds" I said. He hums and nod his head, realizing that I was right. I smile at him and keep gathering the limestones. "You can gather the next mineral we find" I said.

I stand straight once I assume I have gathered enough. I turn to look at Chrome and smiles. "Shall we continue?" He asked. I nod my head in agreement. We turn around and continue walking deeper into the cave.

"I never knew exploring a cave would be fun. Usually, I would be scared of cave, because they are often used to create horror movies" I said. I turn to look at Chrome who looks clueless with what I just said. "Horror movies... is like a scary story. You know ghost and stuff. A lot of those kinds would involved caves like this" I said.

"I still have no idea what that is..." he said. I let out and gently pat his shoulder comfortingly. "I hope I'll be able to see those kind of things someday" he said. I smile at what he said.

"Oh, you will... once we succeed in bringing back the modern civilization" I said. He smiles at what I said. I look forward and trip after failing to see a lump on the ground. I fall on the ground and wince in pain.

"Are you okay, Y/N??" Chrome said, as he rushes over to my side. He kneels down next to me as he check for any sign of injury. I move to sit down. "Your knee's bleeding, Y/N... hang on, I'll treat it" he said.

He reaches inside the pouch he have and take out bandage and a jar of water. He gently pour the water onto the wound. I wince in pain as the water makes contact with the wound.

"Ow..." I hissed. Chrome turns his head to look at me. He smiles apologetically. I just smile at him. He take out a bandage from animal skin and start to wrap it around my knees.

"I'm sorry if it hurts... but we have to treat it or else it might get infected" he said. I just smile at him and nod my head, understanding where he's going. He smiles at me. He turns his attention back to bandaging my wound. He looks so focus as he treat my wound. I smile softly as I observe him.

I quickly look away when he turns his gaze to me. There's silence between us. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of our breathing.

"Hey Y/N..." Chrome said. I turn my head to look at him and flinched when I realize his face is so close with mine. He stares at me for a few seconds. I feel my heart starts to beat so fast, that I'm starting to worried that he might hear it.

Chrome P.O.V

Seeing her up close makes me realize how beautiful she truly is. Over the time of knowing her. I come to know that she's kind, and caring. She never hesitates to help anyone who needs it. Overall, she's an amazing person.

I notice that every time I'm so close to her, it makes my heart beats so fast. Why am I feeling this way? I used to feel this way towards Ruri. But that feeling eventually faded once Y/N came into my life.

I have the urge to always wanting to be near her. Each time I see her upset, it makes me want to just drop everything I was doing just so I can hold her in my arms and comfort her... to assure her that everything is alright.

The only thing that comes on my mind every time I see Y/N is wanting to be there for her... to make her happy and to keep her safe. What's this feeling that I feel every time Y/N is close to me. Could it be that... I'm in love?

*to be continued*

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