Chapter 57

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Previously on Chapter 56

I gently lay Y/N down on the makeshift bed. Senku kneels down next to her and starts inspecting her stomach. I just stay silent as I stare at Y/N worriedly. I hope she's going to be okay.

Please be okay, Y/N...

-Shocking News-


I slowly open my eyes and turn to look at Chrome, who's sitting next to me. He stares at me worriedly. I try to sit up, but he places his hands on my shoulder to keep me from getting up.

"Don't sit... you need to rest" he said. His voice sounded firm and demanding. So I know he's not up for arguing. I let out a sigh and just stay laying down. He place his hand on my head, gently caressing my hair.

"What happened to me? Why did my stomach hurts that bad, when it was only a punch. I've had a worse hit than that" I said. I notice something flashing in Chrome's eyes. But it was fast, that I don't have a chance to process what it was. "Chrome... what's going on?" I asked.

"You... y-you were..." he stuttered out. I frown as he struggled to get the word out. He bit his lips and fists his hands. He looks down with his bangs covering his eyes. "I-I'm s-so sorry, Y/N. I-I shouldn't h-h-have let you c-come w-with us" he said. His voice cracks as he speaks.

"What? Chrome... what are you talking about?" I asked. He turn his head to look at me. His eyes are full of tears. He blinks them as they stream down his cheeks. Before he can say anything else, Senku enters the tent.

"I checked you, and I found something" he said. Chrome turns to look at me. I turn to look at Chrome as he avoids eye-contact with me. I turn to look at Senku for answers. Senku bit his lips and sighs. "Forgive me, Y/N. I've tried everything in my power. But... I couldn't save your baby"he said.

"B-Baby?" I stuttered out, my eyes widening as I stare at Senku in disbelief. I turn my head to look at my husband as he keeps on crying. "I... I was pregnant?" I said. I turn to look at Senku again. He nods his head, looking upset with this discovery. I let out an airy laugh out of shock. I shake my head, not wanting to accept the truth. "I... I was pregnant?? And I d-don't even know? A-And... I already lost the baby??" I said.

"I'm sorry..." Senku said. I shake my head in disbelief. I didn't even know I'm having a baby. When I finally found out, it was already too late. The baby is already gone. I shake my head as I burst into tears as I start to cry.

"No... no!!" I wailed. Chrome scoops my body up and holds me close. I bury my face into the crook of his neck. Chrome holds me tight in his arms as I cling onto him. "I don't even get a chance to know! My baby, Chrome. O-Our baby... no!! This... t-this isn't f-fair!" I said, crying harder.

"Forgive me, Y/N. I'm so sorry... this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you come. I should have tried harder to forbid you to come..." Chrome said. I feel my shoulder getting wet as Chrome also cries. I didn't say anything after that as I just keeps on crying in his arms.

Chrome P.O.V

Y/N's breathing starts to get harsher. I pull away to look at him. "Y/N... what's happening?" I asked. I turn to look at Senku as he's quick to kneel down next to Y/N.

"She's having a panic attack. We need to calm her down" he said. I move to sit behind Y/N, letting her back resting on my chest. "Y/N... hey, I need you to calm down!" He said, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I... c-can't..." she said, weakly. Her breathing sounded heavy. I bit my lips, feeling useless because I couldn't do anything to help my wife. Her head falls back and lands on my shoulder.

"Y/N?" I called out as I move her body slightly. Her eyes are close and she looks extremely pale. "Senku. What's happening?" I asked, turning to look at Senku. He place his hand on Y/N's neck, checking her pulse. He let out a sigh and turn to look at me.

"She's fine... she's just unconscious. Let her rest..." he said. I gently move Y/N and lay her down on her back. I run my hand through her hair. "Give her something to drink when she wakes up. Just stay by her side. She's going to need you when she wakes up. I have to go... I have some works to do..." he said. I just nod my head, without saying anything. He give my shoulder a pat and stands up. He turn around and walks away.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm such a useless person. I should've done a better job at protecting you" I muttered. I feel so angry... angry at myself. But most of all, I'm angry at Yo. He's the reason we lost our baby.



My eyes flutter open. I place my hand on my stomach. I gently caress it, as a tear streams down my cheek. "I don't even know..." I muttered sadly. I close my eyes as I start to cry softly.

I open my eyes when I feel a hand on my head. I turn my head to see Chrome. "I'm sorry... it's my fault. I should have tried harder to prevent you from coming" he said. I shake my head at what he said.

"No... it's neither of our faults. We both didn't know. If I had known I was pregnant... I wouldn't have come with you. I'm so sorry..." I said, tearing up. Chrome gives me a sad smile as his eyes starts to swell up in tears. I move to sit up. Chrome scoots closer to me and gently wraps his arms around me. I place my chin on his shoulder as he holds me close.

*to be continued*

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