Chapter 14

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Previously on Chapter 13

'I hope we can gain their trusts, before Tsukasa is aware that Senku and I are alive...' I thought to myself. I let out a sigh. Tomorrow's going to be a long day. So I need to be in my best health. Which means, I need to have plenty of rest. I close my eyes, letting myself drift off to sleep.

-We Need More Manpower-


Kohaku and I calmly walk into the water. While Chrome and Senku jumps of a cliff. I turn my head to look at them as they seem to be enjoying themselves. I shake my head and let out a soft giggle. I focus my attention to the river and gently runs the magnet across the bottom.

I lift my hand to see it's covered in black sand. In other word, the first material we'll need to create iron. I turn to look at Kohaku who's also doing the same. She seem so focus. Of course, we're doing this so we can save her sister.

I turn my head to the boys, only to give them a straight face. Kohaku and I are doing our best, but they're both slacking off. I gently splash Kohaku to gain her attention. She flinch and turn to look at me with a questioning look on her face. I gesture towards the two boys. She turns her head to look at them. I notice an irk expression appear on her face.

"Hey! Why is it only Y/N and I that are doing the work?" She said. She walks towards Chrome who visibly pales. She hits him right on the head, making a huge lump to form. She turn to look at Senku who flinched and quickly stands up.

"Sorry..." they said together. I cover my mouth and let out a soft giggle. I turn to focus on gathering the black sand again. I notice something coming towards us from the corner of my eyes. I turn my head to look at what it is.

"What is that?" I said, earning the others's attention. They turn their heads towards where I'm looking at. As I focus on the unknown object, I realize it's a watermelon.

"Suika?" Senku said. I get startled went a body appear from within the watermelon. It seems to be a little girl. I turn to look at Kohaku with a questioning look. She just keeps her focus on the kid.

"Suika? Did you follow me here?" She said, walking up to the kid. She lift her hand and gently pat the top of the watermelon. The little kid lift her hand to reveal a magnet covered in black sand.

"Hey!! You took my magnet!" Chrome said. He walks up to her and snatch the magnet from the little girl's hand. I frown at how harsh he's being towards the little kid. I turn my gaze to the kid to see her running her hands into the water as if trying to look for something.

"Suika just wanted to help... Suika haven't been able to be useful because I've been wearing this watermelon on my head" she said. I give her sad gaze. I nudge Chrome on his ribs, making him flinch. He turns to look at me and I send him a glare. He gulps and turns to Suika, looking guilty.

"You wanted to help, hm?" I said, leaning down in front of her to be on the same eye-level. She nods her head in response. "Very well... we're counting on you" I said. I place my magnet in her hands. I give her a close eyed-smile while gently caressing her watermelon rind.

"Do you best, Suika... science don't reject anyone. As long as they can help" Senku said, smiling at the kid. I notice the leaf on her watermelon rind starts spinning. I tilt my head in confusion. But the smile on her visible lips lets me know that she's feeling excited that we allow her to help us. I let out a giggle and grab another magnet so I can start searching for the black sand as well.


We have gathered all the materials we'd need. All that's left to do is to try and melt them down. Which will be the biggest problem. I doubt that we can do it with just the five of us.

By the end of it, everyone lays breathlessly on the ground. I figured it would be hard to get the iron to melt. We need it to be extremely hot in order to achieve that. I just stay laying on the ground, staring at the sky.

"It's obvious that we'd need to gain more manpower" I said. Senku just grumble at what I said. I turn to look at him to see him closing his eyes. But the expression he's making let's me know that's also what he thinks.

"If only we can just figure out what the people wants. It will be easier for us to gain their interests" I mumbled. I jump when Senku springs up to a sitting position. He's staring at me with a gleam in his eyes. "What? Why're you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"That's exactly what we need! But you're right. If only we can figure that out... it would be 10 billion percent easier" he said. I hum at what he said. Suika stands up in excitement, lifting her hand. I turn my head to look at her.

"Suika can insert my body into Suika's watermelon rind. So Suika can loom like a normal watermelon! Suika can help find out what they want!" She said, proudly. I smile softly at what she said.

"Very well then. We're counting on you, Detective Suika" Senku said. Suika gets excited. She turns around and get her body inside the watermelon rind. She starts rolling across the bridge. I smile softly at the little girl's cuteness.

I move to lay back down, placing my hands behind my head to act as a pillow. "And now, we just have to wait for her to return with the news..." I said. Everyone hums at what I said. Let's hope Suika can get us the information we need to win their interests. By getting them to help us, we'll be able to bring back the modern civilization.

*to be continued*

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