Chapter 58

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Previously on Chapter 57

"No... it's neither of our faults. We both didn't know. If I had known I was pregnant... I wouldn't have come with you. I'm so sorry..." I said, tearing up. Chrome gives me a sad smile as his eyes starts to swell up in tears. I move to sit up. Chrome scoots closer to me and gently wraps his arms around me. I place my chin on his shoulder as he holds me close.

-Frontal Assault-


It took me a couple of days for me to I finally recover. I stand up from the bed Chrome placed me in. I stretch my body because they're quite stiff after laying down for so long.

"Are you fit enough?" Someone said. I turn my head to see Chrome. I smile softly at him and nod my head. He walks over to me. "Are you sure?" He asked, staring at me with a worried gaze.

"I'm fine..." I said. He let out a sigh and nod his head. He gently wrap his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. I bury my face in the crook of his neck. "So, what are you guys up to?" I asked.

"We're about to start our assault against Tsukasa" he said. I give him a look. He shakes his head, knowing what that look means. "No... no no no... you're not coming with us on this one..." he said.

"Why not?? I want to help fighting them too!" I said. He shakes his head and crosses his arms, giving me a stern gaze. I let out a sigh and gently cups his cheeks. "I'll be okay, Chrome... please, let me do this. Let me help too. I wanna do this for our lost baby..." I said. His eyes soften at what I said. He lift his hands, gently placing it on top of mine.

"Promise me you'll be careful? I don't want to see you hurt again..." he said. I pull away slightly to look at him. He move his hands to cup my cheeks. He gently leans his forehead against mine. "It pained me to see you hurting..." he said. His voice sounded so sad.

"I promise, Chrome..." I said. He smiles softly at me and leans down, placing his lips against mine. I close my eyes and returns his kiss. I tilt my head slightly to deepen the kiss.

"Chrome... what are- oh, sorry" someone said, making us pull away from each other. I turn my head to see Kohaku. She looks flustered after seeing us kiss. I let out a giggle at her reaction.

"Yes, Kohaku? What do you need?" I asked, deciding not to call her out on her reaction. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. She turns to look at me. Her cheeks are slightly pink.

"Senku's asking for Chrome... we're going to start our attack" she said. I hum softly and nod my head. I turn to look at Chrome. I gently slip my hand in his. He turns to look at me. Kohaku's eyes widened. "Wait... don't tell me you're coming too" she said.

"I am. I'm not going to sit down and do nothing while you, Chrome... and everyone else are fighting" I said. She stares at me with uncertainty. I smile softly and gently place my hands on her shoulders. "I will be fine. Did you forget who taught you how to use the katanas?" I said. She let out a sigh and nods her head, realizing what I said is true.


I hear a thud from the tree above us. I turn my head to see the same guy who caught us. "Tsukasa and Hyoga are at the grave. It's pretty far from here" he said. It still amaze me how sharp his hearings are. He can hear even from a far distance. But that's to be expected from a sonar man.

We slowly make our way towards where the bat's cave are. Everyone tries their best to not make too much sound, so we won't attract the enemies. The first thing we need to do is to take back the source of the nitric acid, so we can create some gunpowders and win the war.

Chrome turns to look at me. He gently place his hand on my shoulder. "Be careful, okay? Please don't act reckless when you're fighting against them" he said. I smile softly, nodding my head.

"I'm gonna be fine... I promise. I'm a lot stronger than I look. You have to be careful too" I said. He gives me a quick hug and nods his head. He pulls me closer to give me a quick kiss. He wraps his arms around me. I return his embrace, giving him a gentle squeeze.

We pull away from each other. He gently place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you..." he said, while leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you too..." I said. He smiles at me. He pulls away and turns around. He head inside the tank with Senku and Gen. While I will be outside with the others to fight the enemies. At least, I can relax a little since Chrome will be inside the tank, he should be a lot safer than he is outside. So I can focus more on the battle in the meantime.

We wait for the signal, which will be Senku firing the fake explosive bomb. I watch as the tank shoots the fake bomb. "Come on, everyone! Frontal assault. Charge!!" I yelled out, taking the lead. Everyone let out a scream as we rush forward. I pull out my katana and starts to break the enemies's weapons.

I duck when one of them swings a spiked bat at me. I use my left foot and kick him. He stumbles forward and fall on the ground. I hit his head with the back of my katana's hilt, causing him to lose consciousness.

I hear a crash and turn my head to see the tank have fallen over. "Magma!" I yelled out, turning to the big guy. He turns around and rush towards the tank. As much as I'm worried about Chrome, I have to focus on this battle. I can't afford getting myself distracted or it wouldn't end well.

After a lot of struggles, we finally reach the cave. "How many casualties?" Senku said. He turns to look at us and at the enemies, who are all tied up. He smirks and place his hands on his hips. "Zero" he said.

Taiju grabs the clay pot filled with nitric acid. "After some time... we finally have it back!!" He yelled out. Everyone let out a cheer in celebration. We did it!! We've taken back the cave!!

*to be continued*

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