Chapter 8

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Previously on Chapter 7

Yuzuriha finally breaks free. Her body slowly falls back. Taiju rushes forward and catches her in his arms. I watch in awe at their little reunion. It's obvious how much Taiju truly cares for Yuzuriha. How touching to witness such interaction in this broken world.

-Journey To Hakone-


I turn to look at Senku. He notice the look I'm giving him. I gesture towards the pair with my eyes. He gets the picture and steps forward.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your sweet reunion. But we don't have much time" he said, earning Taiju's and Yuzuriha's attention. The pair turn their attention to him. "We're in a time sensitive situation. So I'll keep it brief. We have two option... you three run away from here. Or two, we stay back and fight with the power of science" he said, holding up two fingers.

"You're kidding right? Of course, I'd stay back and fight" I said. Taiju agrees with me, even Yuzuriha even though she have no clue what's happening. Senku just scoffs at what we said. But he figured we won't back down on our words.

Senku and I start to destroy the lab and the tree house. I smash the clay pot on the ground and steps on it. I wince at the sound they're making each time I crush them. It's such a shame that we have to destroy everything Senku and I have worked so hard for. But it's necessary in order to make Tsukasa think he scared us to the point we decide to flee.


The new world is indeed beautiful, with the nature and everything. But I kind of miss the things we had when everything was okay. I miss the time where I would be training my fellow Kendo peers.

I turn my head as everyone seems doing alright. Well, everyone but Senku. That guy really have no endurance. We're not even walking for long, and he's already tired. I just shake my head at him. He's only brain. But he have no muscles. Even so, his determination is quite admirable.

Senku stares into the distance and pulls out an object I know is called sextant. "What's that?" Taiju said, pointing at the object Senku is holding. I turn my head to look at him.

"That's called a sextant. It is useful to give you an idea of where you are based on the time" I said. Senku nods his head at what I said. I place my hands on my hips while staring at Senku. "Soo? Any idea where we are?" I asked.

"Y/N's right about how it's suppose to tell our location. But this thing is a piece of crap. But then again... it's the only sort of GPS we have..." he said. I let out a soft sigh, gently running my hand through my hair. I wince when I feel a tangle. Man... what I would give for a decent hot bath.

I turn my head to the side, noticing Yuzuriha running off. "Hey, where are you heading off to?" I asked. Taiju runs off after her, followed by Senku. I huffed as I shrugs my shoulders and follows them.

We come to a clearing and there's a Buddha statue in the opening. I look around the area and there's barely any tree growing surrounding this area. Senku chuckle as he figure out our exact location.


We finally reach the destination. There's quite a lot of hot springs, much to our delight. We split the largest one in the center using pieces of woods. I let my body sink in the water. I let out a sigh in content, feeling my muscle relax at the sensation. 

"That's the stuff..." I said to myself. Yuzuriha let out a soft giggle at what I said. I turn to look at her and gives her a small smile. She smiles at me and scoots towards me.

"I believe we haven't properly introduce ourselves. My name is Yuzuriha. I was from a craft club. You're from our school as well, I'm aware about that because I've seen you around pretty often. So what's your name?" She asked. I turn to face her and smiles.

"Y/N... I was a Kendo captain" I said. Her eyes widened at what I said. She grins excitedly, her eyes practically lit up. "Is there something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked, confused by her reaction.

"Oh, nothing... I just heard a lot about the school's Kendo Captain. I expected it to be someone buff and you know, a guy. So I didn't expect the kendo captain to be someone so pretty like you. You look almost delicate too. So I'm pretty surprised to learn that you're the captain of Kendo club everyone's been talking about..." she said. My face flushed from embarrassment at what she said.

"Stop... I didn't take you to be someone so blunt" I said. She let out a giggle at what I said. I shake my head and eventually laugh along. "Aside from that. Hope we can be good friends, Yuzuriha..." I said. She grins at what I said and nods her head in agreement. I give her a close-eyes smile.

"We are already friends, Y/N-Chan" she said. I smile at her. It's nice to finally have another girl among us. I've been stuck being the only girl among three guys. While, Senku is quite a decent guy and Taiju is nice too. But it's Tsukasa, he gave off the vibe that he's too... how to say this... intense.


It's now the next morning. Senku and I have gathered all the ingredients we'd need to make our ultimate weapons. A gunpowder.

With this weapon, Tsukasa would have no chance but to listen to us. We won't use it to hurt him though, we just want to have the upper hand. So we can get Tsukasa to stand down as we try to negotiate.

We have mix all the ingredients. All that's left to do is to pound them until they're packed solid. Taiju steps in to take over. But he kind of hits it a little too hard, making the black powder explodes.

"Damn... try to control your strength next time, yeah?" I said, rubbing my back after landing quite hard. Taiju let out a nervous laugh at what I said. I huffed at him and turn my head. I notice something in the distance. "Hey, Senku..." I said. He hums and turns to look at me. I say nothing and just points into the distance.

"This is exhilarating... you know what this means, right Y/N?" Senku said, as he stares at the smoke coming from the distance. I nod my head at what he said. I turn to look at him with a grin. The smoke signals would only mean one thing...

There are other humans...

*to be continued* 

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