Chapter 11

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Previously on Chapter 10

"Amazing... I'm not talking about Archi-whatever. I'm talking about the determination you both have. My name is Kohaku. It seems... I've taken a liking to you..." she said. I blink my eyes and turn to look at Senku. It's clear he didn't like what he just heard. But well... that's just how he is. That doesn't matter though. What does matter is that we have found our mysterious person. She seems trustable too.

-There's More Than We Thought-


I lay inside my animal hide sleeping bag. I turn my head to the side to look at Kohaku. I give her a straight stare, noticing how she's sleeping while holding knifes in her hands. I nudge Senku a little. He opens his eyes and turn to look at me with a questioning look. I gesture towards where Kohaku is.

"Are you a new type of human that sleep with a knife?" He said. Kohaku moves a little, but she still have her eyes close. I just stare at her, wondering what she have to say about Senku's comment.

"I have to protect myself in the wild. So it sort of became a habit. You also started to talk about love... so I don't trust you" she said, slowly opening her eyes. I let out an airy laugh at her comment and turn to Senku.

"Well then, just go to sleep! I have no interest in dying two times in one day" Senku said. He covers himself with the animal hide. He let out a sigh. "Besides, there's no way I can fight a gorilla" he said. I gently bonk his head for that comment. He flinched and glares at me.

"You shouldn't say something like that about a girl" I said, in a scolding manner. He rolls his eyes and covers his head with his blanket. I turn to look at Kohaku, to see her staring at me with an approval. I blink my eyes at her. She just gives me a smile.

"So... are you in a fight with that long haired man?" She asked. I nod my head at what she said. I move to lay on my back, so I can still look at her.

"We need more manpower... that's the most important thing for us right now" Senku said. I nod my head to what he said, letting Kohaku know that it's exactly what we're trying to search for. In order to fight back Tsukasa, we'll need all the manpower we could get.

"So you need allies?" Kohaku said. I turn to look at her and nod my head, pleased that she have caught on with what we're trying to say. She grins and moves to stand up. "Why don't you come with me?" She said. Senku and I turn to look at each other.


Kohaku is currently getting water from the hot spring. I tilt my head in confusion. "What do you need that for?" I asked. She carries it in her arms.

"For a bath... for healing purposes" she said. I raise an eyebrow at what she said. No way one jar like that would be enough for a person's bath. A baby? Maybe. But if it's an adult... no way.

"You look like you're healthy..." Senku said, crossing his arms across his chest. I turn to give him a straight gaze. What a way to state the obvious... seriously.

"Not for me! For my sister..." she said. Her voice trailed off a little as she mention her sister. "She's been really sick lately..." she added. I give her a sad gaze. Now I understand why she keeps pushing herself. She's trying to help her sister.

I flinch when Kohaku loses her balance. Senku rushes forward to catch the jar. He let out a chuckle. "You seem to not have recovered from your injuries. Wouldn't want you to overexert yourself... hand it over" he said.

"You know... I don't think it's a good-" I got cut off as Kohaku releases the jar. Senku instantly toppled over and falls on the ground with the jar on his back. "... idea" I finished. I let out a sigh and shake my head lightly, while Kohaku crosses her arms and stares at a Senku with an unimpressed expression.

"You're the one overexerting yourself..." she said. I roll my eyes as Senku let out a groan. I walk over to him and gently moves the jar from his back, so he can get up. He moves to sit down and rubs his back.

"Is everyone stronger than me in this stone world? Taiju, Tsukasa, Y/N... now Gorilla too" he said. I huffed at what he said. He seriously have no clue how to say nice things about girls, huh? At this rate... he'll stay single for the rest of his life. Not that it matters anyway. He doesn't believe in love anyway.


We ended up using the stuff we used to make the pulley. We make an engineless car to help us move easier. Senku is the one stirring it while I sit behind him. Kohaku sits in front of us, sitting on top of the jar.

"Wow!! I'm pretty impressed that you can make this so quickly!" She said. I just hold onto Senku's back while closing my eyes tightly. This is kind of scary.

"It's not quick... we just use the stuff we already have when we make that pulley" Senku said. I hear a chuckle coming from him. I open my eyes to see him looking at me over his shoulder. "Guess the Kendo captain also have something she fears" he said. I roll my eyes and hit the back of his head. He winced in pain and huffed. Kohaku told him to turn right. But he turns too fast.

The cart hits a boulder and shatters, sending the three of us flying forward. While Kohaku and I manage to land on our feet, Senku isn't so fortunate. He fell face first onto the ground.

"You okay?" I asked, feeling genuinely concern for my friend. He just grumble in response. I shake my head and help him sit up.

"You two... take a look" Kohaku said. I turn my head to where she's pointing. My eyes widened as I let out a gasp at the sight in front of me. "Welcome to my village..." she said.


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"Wow... there's more of them than we thought" I said. I expected four or a little more. I didn't expect to see an entire village. Senku moves to stand next to me, also staring at the village in shock. We turn to look at each other. I give him a grin of excitement. I'm so glad that we're not the last one.

*to be continued*

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