"Liam, I don't blame you. It's not your fault and I don't want you to think I ever blame you. And truthfully...I forgive you both." She looked at the man and woman sitting in front of her and smiled.

"I helped create the best family I ever could've asked for and i'm with someone who I only ever could've fucking dreamed of...and if you had kept me, I wouldn't have any of this. And that, that would be the real shame."

I slid my chair back and nodded at them and she smiled.

"I'm going to go. I forgive you both and it's really no need to dread on it. Let's all forget about it because no matter what dna says...i'm not your daughter. Don't feel a guilt for someone who truly isn't anything to you."

She hugged Liam and pulled my hand as we walked out, me getting the valet to grab my car.

"Hey...look at me."

She blew out an anxious breathe and looked at me.

"You did so good baby. So fucking good." "I'm so happy you came home. I would've freaked out and wouldn't have been able to say anything if you weren't here."

I wrapped her up in my arms at how much she refers to 'home' as a place where we're together. She never refers to mine or her place in specific when she says home...just us.

"Do you really have to stay at yours tonight?" I whispered, my lips hitting hers. "I promised Cy i'd go with him in the morning so...I need to be there."

I slowly nodded but I felt nothing but dread as I thought about sleeping in my bed alone. I've been gone for days sleeping in hotel beds alone but sleeping in our bed alone, it's torture.

So she left in a car I called and I went to mine.

* * *

I saw Renny walk out of the bedroom, carrying all of her things as a man grabbed them and took them downstairs.

"Renny?" I whispered as she looked anywhere but at me. "Renny." I said louder as I watched her take away any sign of herself from my bedroom, our bedroom.

"What are you doing?" "I can't do this anymore Harry. Everything is so fucking hush with you. So quiet and secretive and I just...I cannot do it. I'm leaving."

My heart fell to the floor and I could hear it shatter.

"Leaving me?"

She nodded as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"No. Renny, no! Stop fucking packing. You are not leaving me."

I grabbed the clothes in her hands and threw them on the bed.

"Stop Harry! I've been with your for years and nothing has ever changed. I'm done. I've thought about it for too fucking long. My mind is made up. I'm leaving."

Her voice was stern and even though there were tears on her face, I could see how serious she was about this decision.

"No Renny, please. I tell you everything, you know I do-" "That doesn't matter! Everything you do is a secret. It's like I can't even talk about my life with you to anyone because it's all such a secret or it's illegal or it could get you in trouble, i'm done. I want a life Harry. A real life."

A real life. That fucking hit me in the gut.

"So what we have hasn't been a real life to you?" I was holding back my own tears at this point. "Of course it has but it's been more of one for you. I can't even talk to anyone about anything Harry. I feel so alone."

EDGE (H.S.) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora