Tokyo Tower has fallen!

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Prime Minister, please stay away from the windows, even with the bottom of the tower along with the elevator access secured you may still be in danger." The Prime Minister's security chief says seriously before turning his gaze to the Chief of Police.

"Your head of security isn't entirely wrong <Woof>." Kenji mutters. "However, I assure you that my subordinates have implemented a strong security perimeter around the tower. Also, keep in mind that my men will not abandon their post at the slightest sign of danger <Woof>." he says proudly before a dark look spreads across his canine face. "Unlike certain heroes, I've seen in this city." He snarls making clear his annoyance with the heroes who fled the city in its time of greatest need.


"Do not generalize..."

The only two heroes present exclaimed indignantly with their faces red with embarrassment, while everyone's attention focused on them, with some looks of disgust, disinterest, and distrust... causing both heroes to clench their teeth and fists in frustration.

"Anyway, following your Head of Security's suggestion, I have diverted a police helicopter which should land at the tower's heliport in a few minutes to complete your evacuation to a safer place <Woof>." Kenji quickly reports, causing the Prime Minister to nod in agreement.

"There's no sign of All Might and most of the big-name heroes are down for the count... First the Endeavor incident and now this. I guess we've really overrated heroes." The Prime Minister mutters reflectively with his hands behind his back, watching the moon with a dark gaze.

Right after, all the lights suddenly went out leaving Tokyo Tower in the dark before a loud explosion rocked the structure.

The show had started.

"Hey! What happened downstairs?!" Kenji quickly exclaims into his police radio trying to communicate to no avail with some of his men stationed at the bottom of the tower. "Someone answer me!" He exclaims with concern, holding his police radio tightly, while those present begin to grow impatient and fear the worst. All this until finally, a theatrical voice responded through the radio confirming the suspicions of many and causing everyone to hold their breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The magnificent Mr. Compress has arrived on stage and is proud to present you with a wonderful Hydra-sponsored show to brighten up this beautiful chaotic night. So hold on to your seats and enjoy the show!" Mr. Compress fervently exclaims over the radio. "And if you guys try to stop the show... Prepare to vanish." He whispers sinisterly, abruptly ending the communication with loud static.

Immediately after, power returns to the entire tower at the same time that the lights above the elevator doors come on, drawing the attention of several people. "He has activated the elevator! Code Red!" The head of security exclaims causing his men to immediately draw their weapons and form a protective circle around the Prime Minister.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, we will take you safely to the helipad where we will await the arrival of the helicopter." The head of security says quickly, making a series of hand signals before beginning to escort the Prime Minister through the halls of Tokyo Tower along with some of his men.

"Prepare to stop the intruder!" Kenji exclaims, drawing his revolver and pointing his gun in the direction of the elevator door along with the rest of the police officers present and some members of the Prime Minister's security team. All this while the rather nervous pair of local heroes position themselves in front of the group awaiting the arrival of the uninvited guest.

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