Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

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Chapter 44 Chaotic Symphony Part 2: Endgame

POV Isamu

"Cookie Bim!" I exclaim happily as the timer on my exploding cookie hits 0 and it explodes epically taking Kamui Woods by surprise who is propelled backward along with an unconscious Twice.

"Cookie Bim!" I exclaim happily as the timer on my exploding cookie hits 0 and it explodes epically taking Kamui Woods by surprise who is propelled backward along with an unconscious Twice

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The Cookie Bim It is a small but powerful explosive cookie, which counts down from 10 seconds until it detonates. It can only be activated through my fingerprint and the Cookie Bim timer can also be set to any second after activation.

With this little explosive disguised as an innocent cookie, timing is important in tactical use.

For obvious reasons... It's not edible!

Immediately after the explosion, a robotic frog jumps out of my backpack and begins to sneak toward the unconscious Twice, while I continue to charge toward Kamui Woods with my chainsaw and robotic tentacles suspended protectively above me.

The radius of the explosion was calculated in advance by me to avoid hurting Twice and briefly stunning Kamui Woods, thus affecting his quirk control and accuracy.

"Child Emperor!" Kamui Woods exclaims throwing Twice to the side before placing both hands on the ground and again spreading his roots and pieces of wood underground trying desperately to catch me.

However, the roots that begin to emerge from the ground around me do so several meters from me, so they fail to catch me. This is because I find myself zigzagging and any roots or pieces of wood that get close enough to me are cut into many pieces by my powerful electric saw.

At this, Kamui Woods's eyes widen in shock, surely asking himself how it is possible that I can predict his movements... The answer is very simple.

*** Note 22: Kamui Woods' accuracy can be severely affected if his opponent is on the move. Therefore, the most effective way to catch an opponent on the move is to predict where he will be next unless the opponent is following an erratic or unpredictable pattern... ***

I have to admit that my big brother did an excellent job with his extensive analysis, therefore... I know every move of Kamui Woods and even the ones he doesn't! Hah!

If my air cannons weren't overheated, this would be as simple as pointing my fingers at his arms and legs... I guess I'll do it the old-fashioned way.

"Let's play catch!" I exclaim cheekily throwing one hand into the air before pointing directly in his direction and clenching my fist causing my robotic tentacles to lunge at him as my chainsaw rips apart the oncoming roots.

Immediately after, Kamui Woods performs a backflip, as my robotic tentacles crash to the ground not far from him before planting his feet back on the ground and resuming his attack. However, as I get closer to him, his accuracy starts to improve considerably, so it's only a matter of time before he catches me.

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