"Thor sends his regards," Loki told Peter once they were home again. "He said he would visit but wants to stay in New Asgard until everything's settled again."

"Did he not forget either?"

"Not for very long. I freed him from the spell the moment I realised what had happened. Stephen Strange, also."

Peter froze. "Dr Strange remembers?"

"Yes. Fear not; I made sure he felt suitably ashamed by his reckless actions."

"No, no, no. I thought Ned would be safe if they all forgot, but-"

"Your friends are safe," Loki assured quickly. "Strange has not come looking for you, has he? He would not disturb your friends either."

"They're not my friends anymore. I don't have friends anymore."

"That's a lie," Loki told him, and Peter sighed.

"I know. You've been my only friend, Loki. I just... I don't know if you can see me the same way."

"Peter Parker, we have been sharing a home and food and lives for months. You think I could help but form some kind of attachment to a human I know so well?"

A weight lifted off Peter. "Oh. Well, you are my friend, and I'd like for you to stay, if you can."

"Then I will."

It was such a simple response to such a complicated situation. But that was all it needed to be, wasn't it?

That night when Spider-Man patrolled, Merlin joined him. Loki the art student joined him in the labs again. Loki the god lounged around their apartment while Peter cooked.

Finally, Peter gave a loud sigh in the middle of another experiment write-up. "I want to go see Dr Strange. For... I don't know. Closure, I guess. I need to see him."

"Do want me to stay behind?"


Loki's magic wrapped around them both and soon Peter was blinking in the sunlight outside the New York Sanctum. A few seconds later the great doors swung open. Dr Strange stood in jeans and a formal shirt, looking annoyed. "Loki, what did I tell you about- oh. Hello, Peter."

Peter swallowed. "Doctor."

Stephen glanced between them, then sighed. "I suppose you'd better come in, then. Tea?"

They got settled inside. Loki sipped the tea and pulled a face. The rest of the drink vanished so discretely Peter almost missed it, but Stephen raised an eyebrow.

"You look well, Mr Parker."

"No thanks to you," Loki muttered. Peter elbowed him.

"No. When you said you could help, Loki, I must admit I had little faith in your success."

"Which you made abundantly clear, yes, I recall."

"Wh- You knew about him?" Peter looked between the two magicians. "You came to help me?"

"What do you think I was doing, having fun?"

"Sure looked like it."

"I'm a god, we can multitask."

"Not during the egg incident you couldn't."

"You said we wouldn't mention the egg incident again."

"That was before I found out you lied to me."

"Because you were so transparent, Spider-Man."

Dr Strange watched their interaction with a faintly amused expression.

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