Six X Trans!Reader (ROMANCE) (FLUFF)

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Requested by InkFoxyUwU on WATTPAD, sorry if reader isn't portrayed the best, first time writing a trans character here... I hope to offend no one with any mistakes I've made from this, and I do not mean to target anyone who is trans! I'm sorry if I do sound like I'm writing with malicious intent, I didn't mean to... ;-; forgive me

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"Yo everyone know the news of [Name] becoming trans right?"

"[Full Name] did surgery to change gender"

"Ew, what the hell? Why would [Name] even do that?"

"They're so insecure about themselves lol"

"Bro they look so ugly with that cheap ass surgery XD"

"Who thinks [Full Name] should go kill themselves?"

"I fucking AGREE on that: why are they even living?"

"Wdym? I'm going to kill them myself before they kill themselves"

Your face was in tears as you scrolled through the countless amount of hate comments posted online. You were a famous celebrity, but after you changed your gender and even undergone surgery to do so, you have been gaining lots of hate comments and death threats. You knew you should ignore these kinds of messages, but it still hurt every time you read it. Despite the fact you always got these kind of tweets, you didn't know it would be this bad when you decided to become transgender. You wept silently, trying to swallow the pain that was eating you inside.

Perhaps you should go kill yourself-

Suddenly your phone screen glitched out, and appeared a face of a man, with a pale complexion white as chalk, and a black hood over his head. He smiled wickedly, as you yelped and shivered in fear. You dropped your phone, certain that this was another hacker that hacked your phone to verbally send you a message of their death threats. You hiccupped and begged in fear to not hear anything they were to say, hence you would be hurt even more again. 

You had enough of those terrifying death threats.

The man on your screen, smile disappeared, looked concerned for you as he heard you sob and plead to not send any death threats. He disappeared from your screen without a word, and you looked down at your dropped phone in confusion. You slowly bent down and picked it up gingerly in your hands, and turned it around in curiosity, wondering where the man went. 


You screamed and jumped violently and crashed backwards, hurting yourself badly in the process. The TV flickered on to white static, as the man's face appeared again. Did that man just speak to you in a gruff voice, through the TV that was initially turned off? How did he do that?!

It didn't help that the man's hands suddenly came out of the TV screen and grasped the frame, with his long and calloused fingers. He pulled himself out of the screen and stepped over the TV and into your living room. You were paralyzed in terror, as you could only helplessly watch the man completely exit the TV screen and tower over you, his gaze dark and menacing. You squeezed your eyes shut and waited for your end as your arms instinctively crossed over your head in hopes of a pathetic defense mechanism.

You heard fabric shift around before you heard him sat down in front of your curled up form that was trembling. You dared to open your eyes and look up at the intruder's grave face, who only stared back at you with piercing electric blue eyes. It was startling, and his irises were strangely beautiful, as he was a greyscale monotone colored individual save for his eyes. 

He looked away gruffly. "What's wrong?" He asked in a grumpy tone.

.... Huh? You could do nothing but gaze back as your erratic breathing started to slow and calm down.

"I said, what's wrong?" He looked even more crabby as he glanced at you with those startling blue eyes. 

You were too terrified to speak, the words stuck in your throat that closed automatically for you. you felt cold sweat on your skin and forehead, and you couldn't wipe them away, as you slight scooted away from him.

He snatched onto your wrist, which earned him your scream. "Look, I came here to give you M.A.D., but I'm being nice for once and trying to help you. Now tell me! What's wrong?"

His grip on you was tight, he clearly did not know how to comfort people correctly. He was one of those beings, those... those alternatives, or something? Those... those supernatural beings who... killed their victims with psychological torture...

You, feeling vulnerable, burst into tears again. You spill the beans to this stranger, who was possibly dangerous and could kill you at any moment... but you were too hurt, too scarred. You didn't even know if becoming a celebrity was worth it... you felt you shouldn't have pursued your dreams. 

Your vision was too blurred by your tears to notice the intruder's expression soften. He let go of your wrist and shifted to sit beside you. You felt his hand, surprisingly warm, pat your back in a soothing manner. "There, there..." he said, his tone sounding unsure if he was saying things right. "I'm not used to not killing humans, let alone talk like this, so I hope you feel better... I don't know why I feel this way for you, but don't listen to them. Those online anonymous people who dare not to show their own faces, are cowards, unlike you, who show your beautiful face, and your pride of your identity despite the drastic change in your gender. That is very brave of you, and I am proud of that. You are one of the only humans who impress me greatly... with your bravery..." 

He kept on mumbling softly and rubbing your back in a comforting manner until your tears dried up. After a few gasps, you felt your own consciousness slip away and your eyes droop heavily. You ended up falling asleep on the intruder's shoulder, sleep deprived from the fear of alternates and of death threats that kept you up on countless of nights. The intruder looked shocked, then he chuckled softly to himself, ignoring the self hate to himself that he was getting weak. He lifted you up gently and went to your bedroom, laying you down gently and pulling the covers over you gently. He gazed into your face for a moment, before he left your room and back through the TV. 

He left a note beside you, on the nightstand, however, his handwriting surprisingly legible and finely written in pen... 

"I will be back, [Name] my dear. 

- TV Intruder. Call me Six."

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Six is so tsundere .... anyway, in the end [Name] and Six fall in love after spending more time together after this event

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now