Alt. Cesar & Alt. Adam: Euphoric Utopia [PLATONIC] (PART 2)

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Currently I have 13 requests to do wtf why am i so slow

Please be patient with me if i release them really slow ;_; (i have 4 other fanfics to write too)

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Cesar was shaken and was drowning in his thoughts when he heard the sound of static, then a warping sound, similar to a computer rebooting. A horizontal rectangular shape opened up, static behind, and a familiar figure pulled himself out of the portal and landed silently on his feet. He had an onyx black cloak over his entire body, with a hood that always over his face. The face of a crooked, decayed man.

It was him.

"Greetings, Adam" were the only words he could say before Cesar took his shoulders in his hands and shook him violently. "Six!! Why didn't you tell me, you fucking idiot?!"

"Whuh-what? I do NOT know whAt you are saying, CESAR, please stop shAking me," Six said while trying to make his tone equal and remain calm, albeit unsuccessfully. 

"Ces, calm down, buddy," Adam said, but Cesar snapped his around to glare at him.

"Don't 'Ces' me, Adam!" Cesar yelled. But he let go of the shadowy man's shoulders and instead put his hands on his hips. "Why didn't you tell me earlier about this?"


"He's talking about your awareness and our world and shit," Adam informed Six, who only nodded. 

"Ah, I see," Six said casually. "Would you people like to go someplace else?" He turned to the other alternates, who were shaken and curled into a miserable ball and sitting on the ground, the three hugging each other closely. "This is private, plus, it's not good for you guys to hear this."

They nodded and then one of them waved a hand, and disappeared. Teleported into the void. The false angel had disappeared long ago, not to be seen in the skies. 

"So," Six turned around to a fuming Cesar, still infuriated that his best friends didn't tell something this important to him. "I wish to apologize to you, Torres, for not speaking of this urgent matter earlier."

"Wait, this was urgent?" Adam cocked his head to the side.

"The universe of your is falling apart," Six replied. "It will meet its death, as time flows differently in here and outside." 

"Fucking..." Cesar muttered. "We could have saved our society much quicker if you both told me! Why??"

"It was for your own good," Six quietly said. "During your temporal amnesia, it was not the best time to exit this game. But now seems to be the right time."

"If you told me I still would have listened to you guys you know?!"

"Not really," Adam interjected, "you tend to not listen when you are feeling very justified and impatient."

"That sounds more like you, Adam."

"What did you fucking say to m—" Adam took a step towards Cesar but Six raised an arm, blocking the blonde's path. 

"Now is not the time to argue, sons," he said hurriedly. "You must leave. Now."

"Ugh, fine," Cesar grumbled as Adam glared at the alternate in the tuxedo.

"Here is the portal," Six snapped his fingers and a rectangular screen opened midair to show a familiar room. The room where the two were pulled off by Six.

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن