Stanley X Reader (Romantic) (PART 1)

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In an alternate, apocalyptic future where the entities of Six, the Intruder, and Stanley are separate beings.... (Inspired by this fanfic: )

Requested by ShannonIsNoSQUID on WATTPAD, thanks for your funny comments and support, btw! (This was fun to write hehe)

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Mandela County, year 21XX. 

It has been over a century and several years when the first alternate invasion in this county started. Your parents survived through it, and in 20XX, you were born in an era where alternates have taken over the world, and were hunting down the last of the humans left in the world. When you were a teen your parents were killed by those alternate creatures, right in front of your eyes. They were very loving and great, and taught you ways that would strengthen your survival skills. You were mature, and you were bracing for their death, but they left this world much earlier than you anticipated. You stifled sobs in your hiding spot, the old-cliche closet, and the alternates seemed to know you were there. They mocked at you, holding the corpse in their dark claws and shaking them around as if they were just ragdolls for the alternates to play with.

This filled you with anger. 

So when you saw a child, a small 5-year old, about to get mauled by an alternate, you found yourself running away with the child in your hands. You still don't know how you managed to escape the beast, but you won't question fate. You were alive: that's what it mattered.

Your house was small: an old, broken down cabin full of dust and spiderwebs, and crumbling roofs. You chose this place because despite the conditions it had, it had a very sturdy basement underneath, which was your home (for now). It had everything it needed: VHS televisions, a bed, couch, canned food, and whatnot. There were even rooms you made for the privacy of your child.

Your child was lovely: he had brown hair that was cut into a choppy bob. His face was round and cute, with pink rosy cheeks on fair skin and a smile on his resting face. He wore his favorite clothing: brown shorts and boots, neon green turtleneck sweater with a pastel yellow stripe in the middle. His eyes were huge, with a peculiar color for their iris: blood red. Which concerned you, because not only is the eye color red only apply to albinos in the human race every once in a while, but this eye color commonly are in alternates when they are in their doppelgänger forms. So although it worried you, you still decided to keep him and name him Chara.

But one day, you failed to protect him.

He was just watching TV in the basement, and you were upstairs attempting to cook food when you heard a voice downstairs. Multiple voices.


You felt that something was terribly off.

You ran downstairs frantically, dropping the items you had in your hands and running down the stairs, almost slipping on them.

The TV screen was completely black, save for three rings of white that resembled two eyes and an open mouth. He was speaking in a soothing masculine tone, his mouth moving synchronized to the words. Chara was conversing with the thing, not noticing the pale faced man clad in an all black hood over his head behind the child. He was in a stance ready to pounce, flexing his white calloused fingers, ready to kidnap the oblivious kid.

Oh hell no. 

You attacked the intruder from the back when he was distracted. You took a metal rod from a corner of the basement and you ran and swung at the intruder's head. He ducked, but you were able to hit the side of the neck, and he collapsed to the ground for on his knees and hands. You yelled as Chara was grabbed by black hands that burst from the TV screen where the strange character was, and you in a desperate attempt ran towards Chara. Chara was screaming for help and reached for you with his hand. 

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now